
Tax Secrets of the Wealthy: A CPA’s Guide to Building Multi-Million Dollar Portfolios | Aaron Hofrichter

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Today, we have an exceptional episode for you with our distinguished guest, Aaron Hofrichter. Aaron is the CPA, real estate investor, and business owner who brings decades of experience in tax strategy and wealth management. He has a unique perspective that combines his background in working at a big four accounting firm, developing real estate portfolios, and advising clients on advanced tax strategies. Aaron’s journey from CPA to real estate developer to strategic tax planner offers invaluable insights into the intricacies of tax laws and wealth-building.

In this enlightening episode, Aaron takes us through his compelling journey, shedding light on the pivotal moments that shaped his career. From his early days handling tax departments to diving into real estate before mainstream TV caught on, Aaron has continuously evolved his approach to wealth building and tax strategy. He provides listeners with a detailed understanding of the difference between tax preparers and strategic tax planners and emphasizes the critical importance of proactive planning and documentation.

Aaron also explores advanced tax-saving techniques tailored for both business owners and W2 earners, offering tangible steps to align your wealth-building strategy with a robust tax strategy. Not to mention, he delves into the psychology and discipline required to transform from an amateur to a professional investor, making complex concepts easily digestible.

In This Episode

  1. The distinction between tax preparers and strategic tax planners.
  2. Key tax-saving strategies for business owners and W2 earners.
  3. The importance of proactive planning and thorough documentation.
  4. Turning from an amateur to a professional investor.

Tune in to gain actionable advice and insights that can help you optimize your tax strategy and build lasting wealth.

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Aaron, welcome to the show.

Hey, thank you. Appreciate it. We’re really looking forward to having the conversation and thank you for having me on.

Yeah, really great to have you on the show today, Aaron. I know the audience is going to get a ton of value out of this one. And what I find so interesting about your journey is, you know, not only are you a CPA who really understands entrepreneurs and business owners and really some great tax strategies to really support that, but, you know, you walk the walk yourself.

Right? As a real estate investor, investing in alternative assets and everything. So I think you have a unique perspective there on really knowing what it’s like. Right? And also as a business owner as well. So why don’t we, you know, why don’t we start off there and let’s talk about your origin story a little bit. And, you know, did it actually start with real estate investing or did you start with tax? You know, what was the inception for you?

Yeah, no, it’s like anything else. It’s a journey, right? Everything kind of meanders and goes, and you make different decisions and different moves throughout time. So really, my original story, when I started out of college, I started a big international CPA firm working in the tax department down there. And it was the first time that I really thought to myself that the nine-to-five grind working for somebody else wasn’t necessarily the right go down or what really what I wanted to do.

So worked there for probably three, four years. Actually left, started my own real estate development company, fixing, flipping, buying properties, fixing them up, reselling them. This was way before HGTV, fix-and-flip kind of show. So if I would have been smarter, I might have just stayed and started my own TV show at the same time too, but I didn’t.

That was probably leading up to the 07, 08, you know, no-doc loans. Obviously, that was probably, it was too, obviously, too good to be true. So, you know, once that no-doc loan situation went away, then I kind of dabbled in real estate. I was a real estate agent and a financial advisor, and none of that really took or stuck. So I found myself back in public accounting. So back in public accounting, worked for some regional CPA firms.

And then, after that, I, after the regional CPA firms, I made another move over to work for a real estate developer and I was their controller CFO for about seven years. Again, back in the nine-to-five grind wasn’t too proud of you with that. So made another move to say, okay, you know what? I like real estate. I want to be more involved in real estate. So I started developing my own rental portfolio.

Problem was I didn’t have a whole lot of money and I didn’t really understand and know creative financing now like I did, know, then like I did now. So, you know, I found some partners that actually could work with and work through to go out, buy properties, fix them up, rehab them, refinance. So I did the BRRRR technique for a lot of time, and that was while I was still working. And then I decided that, you know what, like I want to go a little bit further down this path, right?

And so I started educating myself and finding more. I found a cashflow quadrant from Kiyosaki. And that was really the book that kind of opened up my eyes and thought, all right, how do you really build wealth and how do you really grow over time? So I dug really, really deep into that book, you know, then started educating myself a little bit more.

And then I’ve read that, dug into that universe, found another CPA, and then started to read his book, realized that there was another path that could go down even more so that could combine the entrepreneurial side, the tax experience, the real estate experience, all those different pieces, and so then I bought a CPA firm and then started going down the CPA track on my own.

And the last five years, I’ve really been focused on just tax advisory, tax strategy, primarily for real estate clients, because it’s a lot of my background. It’s kind of been, you know, it’s been an evolution, it’s been a journey all the way through. Like I said, you know, each step is, you know, another move or another change and going in a different direction.

Yeah, it’s interesting. I took the Purple Pill as well, and, you know, Cash Flow Quadrant was such an eye-opener. And if any of the listeners haven’t read that, that’s, you know, a 101 must-read, you know, in terms of this world and really understanding, you know, becoming a business owner and investor is actually not only the best place to operate from where you can really scale your wealth, but it’s also the least amount you’re going to pay in taxes.

Right, the least opportunity, you know, is what I figured out, right? And knowing that taxes are your number one biggest expense, no matter, you know, what you do, you know, how can you actually reduce those to really optimize those and really understanding things. But I’d love for you to frame, Aaron, for the audience.

You know, a lot of people are new in the alternative investing world or really understanding the possibilities of tax and I always wish it was explained to me, you know, what does the industry actually work, right? And it took me years and years and firing many different CPAs to figure out there’s something called, you know, a strategic tax planner, and then there’s someone called a tax preparer, which are two totally different things. But to me on the surface, seems like 99% of the industry are actually tax preparers.

Yeah, no, I would completely agree with that. And that’s probably the one thing that I realized when I started really diving in and really getting deep into the tax advisory, tax strategy world was that everybody that was coming in for it, because our process really does start with a strategy, right? I mean, we don’t really do, hey, we’ll just do your tax return, you know, because it’s, it’s, don’t enjoy it as much.

I think that’s why I was in and out of public accounting so much because the traditional firms that I worked for were very much that. Like we just prepare the tax return. We give you back, you know, whatever information you need. Call us if you have any questions.

Right. And I think that’s like you said, 99% of the industry. What I realized that, you know, going forward is that, you know, the, the most impact can be made by starting not only with a tax strategy, but also by developing the wealth strategy first. And so by having that wealth strategy first, you understand and know what you’re invested in, how you earn your money, what kind of opportunities you have that are out there. Because from that, we can take that information and then develop the tax strategy associated with that.

Because how you earn money is the number one thing that we can mitigate from a tax perspective and knowing how we can match those different things together and, you know, really develop the game plan. But in order to be able to develop the game plan, have to have a really good focus and understanding of you know, how are you going to build your wealth during that time?

Yeah, makes sense. So if you had a new client come on board, what does that typically look like? Is there a phased approach or a series of things that you’re looking for in terms of setting that up?

Yeah, absolutely. That’s probably the most important piece—really getting a working understanding in the beginning. Usually, we’ll have a meeting or two to develop a clear understanding of how they’re going to build their wealth.

Many people have different scenarios. If you’re an entrepreneur, maybe it’s your business, iff you’re a real estate investor, it could be growing your rental portfolio, iff you’re a W-2 employee with investments on the side, that’s another situation altogether. Taking time in the beginning to identify the main focus of the wealth-building strategy is crucial.

I believe that helps transition someone from being an amateur investor to a professional investor. There’s a big difference between the two. In my own journey, I focused on the BRRRR technique primarily, identifying which properties would be good opportunities for that. It’s about understanding your investment niche really well.

Once you have that foundation, you can strategize further. For example, if someone is a real estate professional, we might use that for tax mitigation. If they’re a passive business owner, we could explore other passive loss opportunities to offset their income. Income matching is one of our primary techniques for tax mitigation, which comes from knowledge, planning, and developing a solid strategy upfront.

Yeah. Can you give us an example of income matching?

Absolutely. Let’s say there’s a client heavily involved in real estate and active in that space. If we can utilize the real estate professional status, it opens up opportunities. For example, in a husband-wife or partner scenario, one person’s active income could be offset by the other’s real estate professional status.

I’ve also worked with clients who own businesses but don’t actively work in them because they’ve established the systems and processes to make the business run smoothly. In such cases, they’re essentially passive in their own business. That provides an opportunity to reclassify the activity as passive and offset it with passive losses from real estate, syndications, or other investments.

It’s all about understanding the facts, circumstances, and where clients spend their time.

Yeah. And Aaron, how do you actually work with your clients? Once you set up that strategy, what does the ongoing engagement look like? Are there annual strategy meetings or year-end planning sessions?

That’s a great question. One thing I’ve realized is that tax planning isn’t an after-the-fact scenario. It’s all about advanced planning—what you can do during the year to change your tax situation proactively.

For all our clients, we meet at least twice a year, some quarterly, and others even monthly. These meetings are essential for tax planning. We review their accounting, which is the baseline for understanding their income. Are they making money? If so, how much tax liability do we need to address, and what opportunities exist to mitigate it?

If the business isn’t performing well, we’ll look at tweaks and changes to improve it. Regular check-ins ensure our clients are always aware of their current tax situation. You don’t want to wait until November or December and scramble to buy two rental properties in 60 days to meet your goals. Instead, it’s better to work the plan throughout the year.

For instance, if you need to buy three properties in a year, you should know that early and work toward it gradually. That way, there’s no last-minute rush.

“The most impact can be made by starting with a wealth strategy first, and then developing a tax strategy that aligns with it.”

Yeah. How do you plan for businesses with cyclicality or seasonality, where they don’t know where they stand until Q3 or Q4?

Yeah, I think a lot of times, historically, you can always look back at last year, right, and try to gauge off of last year. Business owners usually have a pretty good handle on what’s coming in and what they have in the pipeline and a pretty good handle on where they think they’re going to land and end up at the end of the year.

So even if there is some cyclical nature to it, they can always look at last year, or we can look at last year and say, “Okay, last year, Q4, you did this. Are you expecting growth? Are you expecting less?” Or, you know, just to be able to kind of gauge and game plan as you go through the year.

Yeah, makes sense. One of the other big lessons that I learned over the years as well was really being an active partner with my CPA and really not looking to them to say, “Hey, you have to do everything. You’re going to come up with a magic bullet. You’re going to come up with all these strategies and things.”

Because, number one, you need to understand, right? First of all, like what’s possible. And then anytime you’re buying an asset, you’ve got some kind of liquidity event or exit or something, you have to be thinking about taxes, right? Because at the inception, you can actually set it up a particular way.

So, are there any trainings or things that you do with your clients to help on this education side? Because, again, I think that’s really the source of some of the biggest challenges, right? Especially when it relates to taxes. Most people just think, “This is what I make. This is what my tax preparer said I owe. That’s all I have to do.” So how can people be empowered and educated?

Yeah, no, I think education is the key word, right? And I think that’s a big part of what we do, constantly educating our clients on the different opportunities and the different pieces that they have, different options or opportunities that they have in play.

Even if it’s sending them to other educational sources or other educational coaches or consultants or whatever else it is.

I’ve always said the more the clients know, not only is it easier for us to help them through these things too, but also the more knowledge and information they gain to help them be a better investor, a better business owner, and better at any of those other pieces.

So, I think the educational piece of it is amazing. Between podcasts such as yours, books, and all those things that are out there, there’s so much information out there and so many different resources that people can tap into.

I think that is another reason why specialty and becoming that professional investor is important too, because then it starts to hone in and focus all the different things that you can learn about. There’s so much information out there that sometimes it can be a little bit overwhelming, right?

If you pick a path or you pick a vein and you focus on that, then I also think that helps the educational experience.

Yeah. How would you define actually a professional investor?

Somebody that knows exactly what they’re looking for and they can evaluate an investment in under 15 minutes.

Obviously, they wouldn’t decide to go or no-go in 15 minutes, but it’s about deciding if this investment is worth taking additional time to do further due diligence and evaluation.

An amateur looks at a hundred different things, and each one has its own uniqueness that might cause a different outcome. Whereas a professional investor, I think, has an understanding of their goals.

They know what rate of return they’re trying to achieve, they know the asset class that they’re looking at, they know how long their money can be tied up for and then go from there. So I think it’s just about having that ability to make quick decisions.

Yeah, makes sense. So what I’d like to do now is ask you two different questions, right? Well, the same question, but really two versions of it.

Rather than giving basically, “What are the top three strategies that you use?” How about the top three most unknown strategies that you like to use? Maybe that aren’t so popular.

And then let’s use this for (A) a business owner, entrepreneur, and (B) those folks out there who are W2 earners.

Yeah, I think probably the biggest one.You know, I saw this a lot really at the end of this year.

From an employee standpoint, W2 income is very hard to fight against, right? So you have to be able to identify, what are ways that we can offset active income?

I think oil and gas is probably the number one go-to when it comes to a high W2 earner that has a lot of active income that we can’t really do much against.

I think also looking at, if you have a husband-wife scenario, could one be a real estate professional while the other one has a W2?

If you’re building a residency, we have quite a few. One had W2, and the other is the real estate professional. So they’re the ones managing the rental property and finding new properties.

This way, we can still get the real estate professional status to offset that other active income too.

I think those are probably the two primary for W2 earners. Obviously, there’s deferral. I’m not a huge fan of deferral. By deferral, I mean qualified plans, you know, deferring to 401(k)s, that kind of thing.

That’s usually our last resort because deferral is not. You’re going to pay tax on it eventually. I’d rather have an immediate tax deduction, immediate tax impact in the current.

So let’s unpack that, Aaron, because I’ve been making that case for quite a while. But it’s interesting, right? People have certain belief systems.

We were all taught by this multi-trillion-dollar financial services industry, our peers, our parents, everyone, to put money into these qualified plans, your 401(k), your IRA.

It took me asking a lot of really hard questions, including, does it really make sense to defer taxes? And people just talk about that, especially typically tax preparers. They say, “Well, we can help you on your taxes if you defer taxes.”

But as you kind of look into that… And I love this quote really from the agricultural community: “I’d rather pay taxes on the seed rather than the harvest.”

It seems like a lot of people just don’t understand the impact. They’re getting their statements on their 401(k), and they’re really not understanding the true net impact of what that’s going to be when they go to retire and take out those funds at 59 and a half.

What taxes, fees, and inflation will do to those gains.

Yeah, no, absolutely. So, I think we’re all victims of this trillion-dollar Wall Street industry, right? I think there’s a lot of, like you said, I grew up in a blue-collar family, right? It was, go to work, put money into a 401k, save, save, save. That’s actually referring back to part of my journey when I was working at the real estate developer.

I ran the 401k plan there, I was sitting there in my mid-thirties, thinking, this is great, I have a corner office, exactly the industry I want to be in. This is exactly what I want to do. Then I started running the numbers, I said, all right, for the next 35 years, if I really want to retire the way I want to retire, what I need to put into the 401k plan is.

It’s going to take me 30 years to do that. That was another lightbulb moment. I thought, there’s got to be a different path and a different way. That’s why the entrepreneurship aspect came into play. Then you can actually grow wealth much faster if you have control over the investments you’re making.

The 401k aspect of it is, put money into some plan that will build up over time. Maybe at some point later on, it will pay off for you, right? Not to mention, you’re probably going to, hopefully, retire poorer, right? Your tax bracket will be lower, and then it’s a better opportunity for you as opposed to maybe actually achieving the future lifestyle you want.

Maybe your tax bracket is higher, so the money you defer went in at a lower tax bracket than the money coming out of the 401k plan. I think everybody’s goal is to have a better lifestyle and earn more money later on. Theoretically, you’ll have a higher tax bracket at that point.

Now, it’s the traditional mindset, right? This is what we were told, this is what we were taught to do, but there are other paths and opportunities out there.

Yeah. I think this is a huge takeaway for folks out there, right? If you look, I don’t have the numbers off the top of my head, but the amount of money in the U.S. market alone that’s in qualified plans is massive.

Talk to us a little bit about the numbers as a CPA—modeling real estate and alternative investments, tax-efficient investments, over the lifetime of a career versus the traditional approach modeled to the S&P with higher taxes, fees, and inflation.

Yeah, absolutely. I’m thinking about one client specifically. They have a high income, right? A high tax bracket. They had acquired a bunch of rental properties over time. They didn’t know about cost segregation or that it was even an opportunity, right? We developed a plan, a strategy, did cost segregation studies, and offset the majority of their income that they earned during the year.

It was over seven figures of income that we could offset in that first year. If you talk about seven figures of income and paying zero tax during the year, instead of paying $230,000 or $300,000 in taxes, you could use that to buy another rental property that produces more cash flow. Then that new property can have a cost-segregation study to offset income.

You almost get this repeating building cycle that perpetually grows as long as you’re doing the right activities.

“A professional investor knows exactly what they’re looking for and can evaluate an investment in under 15 minutes—deciding quickly if it’s worth further due diligence.”

Yeah, it’s really spot on, right? That is essentially the formula. It’s really quite simple—buying tangible assets that produce passive income, reducing your taxes, and having equity growth. You repeat the cycle, constantly buying assets to keep offsetting the taxes. You can truly build legacy wealth.

Then you get a stepped-up basis on most of the assets when you pass. Any thoughts on that? Kiyosaki talks about that model. Some people talk about it. This is what I’ve seen family offices and ultra-high-net-worth individuals do extremely well. Yet it seems to be deceptive or opaque for people to figure out. Maybe it’s the discipline and psychology of it.

Yeah. I think the discipline and psychology are probably the biggest pieces, right? To your point, it’s a simple concept, but execution doesn’t always happen. The execution of the plan is what brings it to fruition. Developing that strategy and game plan at the beginning and knowing what that future goal is going to be is so important.

If you have that future vision, goal, and game plan, you know what you need to do from an execution standpoint—not just five years, but one year, a quarter, a month, or what you need to do today to actually execute. The execution part is where a lot of people get tripped up.

Yeah. You have to evaluate totally alternatively. To me, the thing that really brings it home is modeling the scenario and running the numbers yourself. A lot of this isn’t complicated math, but you can make some assumptions, do projections, and see where it ends up.

So many people chase yield—8%, 10%, or 15%. They think it must be a great deal, but you have to look at the net impact. It’s about what we keep, not what we make. If you reduce taxes by 10%, 20%, or 30%, that compounds over time on top of the new asset class you’re getting. This is how we see outsized returns for clients.

It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep. That’s the real key to building wealth.

Yeah, absolutely. Taxes are one of your greatest expenses. It’s the most immediate way to put cash back in your pocket for additional investment. When I was with the real estate developer, we had big projects with tax credits. Some tax credits are a dollar-for-dollar reduction, not a deduction.

A deduction just reduces overall income, but a tax credit offsets the tax owed dollar for dollar. Tax credits are by far the most valuable. If you owe a high tax amount but generate enough credits, you could theoretically offset it entirely. That’s the goal.

Thinking back to Kiyosaki’s cashflow quadrant, the investor quadrant is the best quadrant to be in. Passive cash flow, zero taxes, and the ability to offset income make it the most important piece.

Many business owners, myself included, get into business thinking, “I’m really good at this, so I could make a lot of money on my own.” But most of the time, you’re just trading one job for another with more responsibility.

The opportunity lies in taking your business and becoming an investor in it. That’s the asset class you know best and have the most control over. You can turn it into a passive investment by stepping out of the day-to-day.

Now you have a passive income generator and you can go out and create additional passive income streams and really get into that I quadrant in Kiyosaki’s cash flow quadrant.

Yeah, love that strategy. Can you give us any examples on tax credits?

Yeah, so I mean, a really good example. mean, from a real estate perspective, historic tax credits are probably one of the ones to see and actually have clients that are doing so, you know, identify older buildings in areas that, you know, some buildings that have some kind of historical significance to it. Right.

So you go in, renovate that building, bring it back up the bar, you know, you do what you need to do and then there’s tax credits that are that are associated with you doing that.

And so there’s a certain amount of, you know, the expenditures that you had to rehab that building, then qualify for the tax credit and then, you know, you could use that tax credit, you know, the tax credit can be syndicated.

I mean, there’s all kinds of different opportunities and options that are out there, but, you know, I think probably low income, historical, or probably the two biggest from a real estate perspective.

Yeah. Aaron, one of the areas we see a lot of folks also have some basically low hanging fruit to do some financial engineering right in their portfolio is having trapped equity in their primary residence or in a real estate portfolio, right? Where they’re kind of paying down the bank debt.

So do you have any thoughts in terms of strategy around you know, does it make sense to manage to a certain LTV or to be trying to capture some of that trapped equity in a residence and then increase basically your, you know, your mortgage interest deduction. If you have that, try to now reinvest that in other assets.

Yeah, absolutely. So I because trapped equity is a really good phrase for it because it’s essentially dead money. mean, it’s liquidity that you could have access to that you could use towards other opportunities and other investments, especially your primary. I mean, your primary doesn’t produce any kind of cash flow to it. So if you’re sitting on a bunch of equity within your primary home, it’s a really good opportunity to maybe utilize some of that.

Cause even, even at today’s higher interest rates, many times, I mean, the yields that you could get, you know, especially if on a rental property or another, you know, some of the rental portfolio, you can earn more than even the interest that you would pay on your home equity line of credit. And like you had said before, I mean, that, that then creates a deduction, right? So, you know, there’s, there’s having trapped equity inside of real estate is always a challenge because, it’s not.

It’s not you full being fully utilized, right? And that’s why the burr technique in real estate is one of my favorite techniques, right? Because then, you know, you’re acquiring properties and you’re just, making sure that whatever you’re buying it for, plus the money that you put into it is less than what you could potentially refinance back out again.

Right? So then you get done with the rehab, you go back and refinance that property, pull all the cash back out. Now you have no equity tied up inside of there. Right?

So no leftover investment, take that same cash, go buy the next property, do it again, it’s by far the fastest way to be able to grow, to build your rental portfolio is by using that cashflow or velocity of money, I think is probably the best phrase for it.

Yeah, makes sense. We’re about to take in a new administration into the White House. The campaign is officially over and so we have a new administration coming in. And do you have any thoughts to make the audience aware of things we need to be looking for? You know, what might be happening with bonus depreciation with this type of administration or any other, you know, key areas that would be relevant to this audience?

Yeah, absolutely. So I’m really, really watching, you know, because I think in the first, I don’t know, maybe three, four, five, six months, I think we should have a whole lot more clarity around what’s going to have the more, more specific clarity. I think there’s, you know, general talk around bringing 100 % bonus appreciation back. mean, that was already in a bill that passed and it’s just been sitting out there for, I don’t know, maybe a year. It’s just been kind of hanging out there.

There’s so many things with the expiration, you know, that are expiring that, you know, between the gift head exclusion and bonus depreciation and tax rates and all these kinds of things that are expiring relatively soon that with the new administration, plus both sides of Congress, think, could create a little less friction, maybe is the best way to put it.

Updating renewing gives getting some of these things right one of the biggest things I’m watching right now is you know I’ve heard corporate tax rates may be going down to 15 % I think corporate tax rates at 15 % is a would be a Game-changer from a planning standpoint because C corporations were used we used to eat C corporations occasionally.But, you know, definitely in a scenario where we have a high tax bracket and we just, there’s not a lot of things we can do to be able to fight that high tax bracket.

Then we can incorporate another entity, whether it’s a C-corp in there, you know, to kind of cap that tax rate. So now if we can actually utilize the C-corp operation and cap that tax rate at 15%, that opens up a whole new world of opportunities too. So I think it’ll be really interesting to see what happens over the next, you know, four, five, six months.

Definitely something I’m watching, you know, paying attention to them to see if there’s something that comes out of that that we can actually utilize from a planning standpoint.

Yeah, 100% and what about things to watch out for? I’ve heard words of people looking for the IRS kind of cracking down on land easements, things like that that were kind of less in favor. Actually, I’ve heard about real estate professional being even kind of cracked down on more these days. Are there any kind of items like that you know, we should be aware of.

Yeah, I would say captive micro insurance might be another one in addition to the conservation easements. I have seen some clients that have done conservation easements. It’s come back to bite them. It was before we were working together and has come back to bite them. So that’s definitely, and I think the prior administration and like the, I guess the IRS, know, they created this dirty dozen list, right?

Of all these different things that they were definitely going to crack down and watch out on watch for more often. think, you know, micro captive insurance conservation units are probably the two of the biggest ones that I’ve seen that really fit for a lot of clients from a pure technical standpoint. They actually make sense and how they’re if they’re done correctly the way that the rules are written. There’s nothing wrong with them.

It’s that you have a lot of times bad actors maybe is a good way to put it. People that are out there and they get this great idea and they start promoting it a little bit more and they turn it a little bit more into a planning sales pitch, I guess, maybe as opposed to anything else. And I think from a real estate professional status, it’s definitely something that I’ve heard that they were looking at a little bit more. But I think that goes back to the documentation aspect right?

So whenever you take a tax position, you always want to be comfortable in that position. And you want to be comfortable from that planning aspect that we can, you know, we have the support, the documents, the data, you know, to be able to actually take this position and be comfortable with it.

So I think you can, you can do anything that the tax law says, but you just have to make sure that you have the right facts in place and the right documentation and the right pieces aligned to be able to take that position and be comfortable with that position.

Yeah, sage advice there. If you could give just one piece of advice to the audience about how they could accelerate their own wealth trajectory, what would it be?

Yeah, I would say probably the biggest thing is, is, is bet on yourself, right? mean, take control of your own future. You know, we talked a little bit about 401ks and Wall Street and traditional investments and how those, you know, are good or bad.

But I think if you take control over your own destiny plot, you know, create that future vision, create that plan, create that game plan that gets you to that.

And then educate yourself surround yourself with the right team members and do the things that you need to do.

Not only on a yearly quarterly monthly, you know weekly daily basis, but then you know just do whatever you can you say to kind of move that needle forward But if you have control over your own situation your own destiny by betting on yourself, you’re gonna you’re gonna be more successful.

Bet on yourself. Take control of your own future and educate yourself to move the needle forward every day.

Yeah. Love it for sure. Aaron, it’s really been an honor and pleasure to have you on the show. Really appreciate your expertise. And, you know, I guess I would leave the audience, you know, out there with this thought too, you know, now it’s January and people aren’t really thinking about, you know, all they’re thinking about is filing their taxes, right?

But it’s probably one of the best times that you could actually start a strategy.

If you don’t have a strategy so that you have the full 12 months to actually work on it, rather than waiting till the end of the year and then trying to get forced into some kind of situation. So making sure that you have a strategic tax planner on your team is just absolutely critical to your success.

So I really appreciate you sharing your wisdom and expertise because again, all CPAs don’t think this way. And it really takes kind of getting an understanding of that and then building that key relationship out on your team, on your wealth team to be able to do that.

So if people want to reach out and learn more about you, your company, what you guys are doing, what is the best place?

Yeah, so probably best places are, I started our website, know, has a little bit of information about us. And I think, you know, maybe links in the show notes or upstream.cpa, you know, is our website. LinkedIn, another good way to connect. So I think those are probably the two best ways.

Okay, yeah, we’ll make sure to link that in the show notes for anyone who’s driving out there. And again, thanks for coming in, Aaron. Appreciate it.

All right, thank you, appreciate it.

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