
Using Your Health To Acquire Wealth

health as wealth

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Dr. Sam Pappas is an Internal Medicine physician specializing in the fields of Personalized Medicine and Integrative Health and Wellness. He has over 25 years of experience and has practiced in a variety of diverse positions in both academic health centers and private practice.

Dr. Pappas has received many recognitions and has been called “the Dr. Oz of Arlington”. He is passionate about helping change the paradigm of disease-based medicine to one that emphasizes systems medicine, root causes, biochemical individuality, is patient-centered, and uses primarily lifestyle medicine to achieve optimal health and function.

Your health is a precious resource. You have the power to make it yours and use technology as an ally in this journey. Dr. Pappas first focuses on understanding who you are – stress levels, hormones, and root causes that can determine where you are in your health today.

Dr. Pappas also emphasizes the importance of understanding your values and priorities which will determine how successful it is for you to live a healthy lifestyle. He uncovers the framework for wellness and shares key points, tips, and supplements for a journey full of health.

This episode is so insightful, one to keep in your books. Listen now and take notes!

In This Episode

  1. Dr. Pappas’ journey and unique philosophy.
  2. Understanding Integrative Medicine
  3. The Concept of ‘Corporate Athlete’
  4. Dr. Pappas’ framework for wellness and key points to work on.
  5. Biohacking tips and supplements.

Important Links

Connect with Dr. Sam Pappas

Connect with Pantheon Investments