
5 Alternative Investments to Protect Your Wealth in 2024: Real Estate, Energy, and More

stock market unpredictability vs energy investments and tangible assets

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Challenge of Stock Market Volatility
  3. The Case for Alternative Investments
  4. The Hidden Costs of Stock Market Investing
  5. Why We Favor Real Estate and Energy Investments
  6. Compounding Returns: A Strategic Approach
  7. Understanding Investment Risk
  8. Take Control of Your Financial Future
  9. FAQ


The recent turbulence in the stock market serves as a stark reminder of its inherent volatility. On August 7, 2024, major U.S. stock indexes took a significant hit, with the Dow dropping 1,034 points and the S&P 500 down 3.4% in a single night. This sharp downturn, driven by concerns over a slowing economy and declining job growth, underscores why relying solely on the stock market can be a risky approach to wealth building.

The Challenge of Stock Market Volatility

For many investors, days like these can be anxiety-inducing. The uncertainty of waking up to news that your portfolio has taken a substantial hit is something I experienced firsthand early in my career. Even with a diversified portfolio, when the entire market is down, your investments can still suffer. This feeling of helplessness led me to seek investment strategies outside of the traditional stock market, where I could find more control and predictability.

The Case for Alternative Investments

At Pantheon Investments, we focus on alternative assets like real estate, energy, and private credit which offer several advantages over stocks and bonds:

  • Tangible assets with strong macroeconomic fundamentals
  • Less correlation with stock market fluctuations
  • Potential for higher returns with lower risk
  • Opportunities for passive income generation
  • Possible tax benefits

These investments are often grounded in real-world necessities, making them more stable and reliable compared to the unpredictable nature of the stock market.

The Hidden Costs of Stock Market Investing

One of the top three wealth destroyers is the potential for significant losses in the stock market. To illustrate this, let’s look at historical data using our Passive Income Calculator. Between 2003 and 2022, while there were years of substantial gains, the market also experienced severe downturns, such as a 36% loss in 2008[^1]. Recovering from such losses can take years, which is especially concerning if you’re nearing retirement.

The Real Return of Stocks

Over time, these fluctuations average out to a 7% annual return, but this is often not enough to build substantial wealth, particularly when accounting for:

  • Inflation (reducing real returns)
  • Management fees
  • Tax implications

Why We Favor Real Estate and Energy Investments

In contrast, alternative investments like real estate and energy have the potential to deliver higher returns with lower risk. These assets are less correlated with the stock market, meaning they can perform well even when the market is down.

Real Estate

  • Provides tangible asset ownership
  • Offers potential for both appreciation and rental income
  • Can act as a hedge against inflation


  • Aligns with global demand trends
  • Offers stable returns less susceptible to market swings
  • Provides potential tax benefits through specific investment structures

Compounding Returns: A Strategic Approach

Let’s compare the potential returns of different investment strategies:

  1. Traditional Stock Market (7% Average Return): Over time, the stock market averages a 7% return, but this figure hides the volatility and the risk of significant losses.
  2. Alternative Investments (20% Return): By reallocating funds into high-return opportunities like our Credit Fund, you could potentially triple your investment in a fraction of the time. This strategic approach helps you reach your financial goals faster and with greater certainty.

Understanding Investment Risk

While alternative investments can offer significant benefits, it’s crucial to understand that all investments carry risk. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Conduct thorough due diligence on any investment opportunity
  • Understand the liquidity profile of alternative investments
  • Consider your overall portfolio allocation and risk tolerance
  • Consult with financial professionals to ensure suitability

Take Control of Your Financial Future

The question you need to ask yourself is: Do you want to settle for a 7% return when you could achieve significantly higher gains with alternative investments? Now is the time to take control of your financial future, make informed decisions, and explore the possibilities of alternative investments.


What are the risks of alternative investments?

Alternative investments can carry risks such as illiquidity, lack of transparency, and potential for loss. It’s important to thoroughly research and understand any investment before committing funds.

How do I get started with alternative investments?

Start by educating yourself on different types of alternative investments. Consider consulting with a financial advisor who specializes in these areas. Many alternative investments are only available to accredited investors, so determine if you qualify.

Are alternative investments only for high net worth individuals?

While many alternative investments are limited to accredited investors, there are options available for non-accredited investors as well, such as certain real estate investment trusts (REITs) or crowdfunding platforms.

For those interested in learning more about our high-return opportunities or upcoming energy deals with tax benefits, contact us directly. We’re here to help you navigate these uncertain times and secure your financial future.


Download our free guide to Alternative Investments



About the Author:

Dave Wolcott is the founder and CEO of Pantheon Investments. With over two decades of experience in alternative investments, Dave is passionate about helping investors achieve financial freedom through strategic portfolio diversification. 

To learn more, tune into Dave’s podcast “The Wealth Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy” at https://www.pantheoninvest.com/podcast or read Dave’s free book on the Holistic Wealth Strategy at https://www.holisticwealthstrategy.com.



Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. All investments carry risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Before making any investment decisions, please consult with a qualified financial advisor who can assess your individual circumstances and risk tolerance. Pantheon Investments is not a registered investment advisor and does not provide personalized investment recommendations. Always conduct your own due diligence before investing.


[^1]: Data source: S&P 500 Historical Annual Returns, Standard & Poor’s