
Financial Freedom through Crypto: Essential Knowledge and Tools

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Today we have an extraordinary episode featuring remarkable guests, including Dane Bollwinkel and Corey Geary. Corey shares his compelling journey from losing his life savings to bouncing back through education and perseverance in the world of wholesaling and cryptocurrency. His story sets the stage for a deep dive into the volatile yet rewarding landscape of crypto investments.

Dane Bollwinkel, an accomplished entrepreneur who transitioned from a corporate job to a thriving career in real estate and cryptocurrency, joins us. He brings his wealth of knowledge on stablecoins, their role in mitigating crypto volatility, and their potential for high returns. Corey Geary, who overcame addiction through real estate and subsequently found financial freedom through crypto, adds a poignant layer to our discussion, highlighting the transformative power of these investment strategies.

Together, we navigate through the necessity of understanding market cycles, drawing parallels with Warren Buffett’s investment principles, and emphasizing self-awareness and passion over chasing quick profits. The episode also sheds light on managing risk, the rising importance of decentralized finance (DeFi), and the growing impact of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

This episode aims to equip you with a foundational understanding of cryptocurrency, ways to mitigate risk, and strategies for generating passive income through decentralized platforms.

In This Episode

  1. Jeff Spencer’s incredible journey and mentorship
  2. The Champion’s Blueprint and its five core competencies
  3. Balancing various life dimensions for peak performance
  4. The importance of proactive health and relationship management for long-term success

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Dane, Corey, welcome to the show.

Thank you for having us.

Pleasure Dave.

Yeah, really appreciate you guys have it coming on the show today and really kind of demystifying and what that looks like right on the crypto side, how people can really get into the game, generate another passive income stream, as well as generate capital, right? Because that’s all part of the equation, right of building your wealth, right? We’re looking at alternative ways to really generate capital.

And it seems like you guys have definitely found a new method that I think is really quite intriguing. So before we kind of jump into some of that, you know, expertise and roadmap that you have on the crypto side, tell us about your backgrounds and why don’t we start with you, Corey.

Yeah, so I came from the real estate space and that’s where I was, you know, started my entrepreneurship journey and I tell people, you know, it was about 10 years ago too, by the way, I’ve been, I was in real estate for a whole decade before it kind of pivoted over to crypto and it’s not that I don’t like real estate. In fact, I tell people real estate saved my life.

When I got into real estate and being an entrepreneur and going down that rabbit hole, I mean, I was going nowhere fast, I was a drug addict, I was an alcoholic, I was single. So obviously I’m like, you know, sleeping with multiple women. The whole, mean, it’s the whole rock and roll lifestyle. That’s where I live my lifestyle and I was going nowhere fast, but to my death bed.

But by getting into real estate and getting in basically the business, I started joining masterminds, I hired private mentors, I started getting in rooms of people who were wanting to get better in their life. Everything, not just financially. Financial’s great, but my four pillars I live by, spiritual, mental, physical, and financial, and it helped me work on these other three things that I need to work on that I didn’t know at the time I needed to work on.

I was just chasing the dollar at the time, and it didn’t save my life. I’ve been sober for multiple years now. I got a family and I live in Puerto Rico and that’s all due to real estate and me pursuing that initial entrepreneurial dream and so it was great. It was, you know, I built a seven figure wholesaling and fix and flip company.

“I was just chasing the dollar at the time, and it didn’t save my life.”

We at any given time would be doing between 20 and 60 deals a month and it was great. You know, we had like my peak, had like 18 employees, multiple crews working for us, but also at my peak.

I was working 16, 17 hours a day, was in multiple lawsuits. I remember I had a lawsuit going on with the attorney general. I got into this because I wanted freedom, time freedom more than anything. They’re gonna do what I want, with whom I want, however I want. It’s how I define success and I didn’t have that.

I got into this because I wanted freedom, to be able to do what I want with whom I want, however I want and that’s how I define success.

I didn’t have that at all. Like I was a slave to the business and although it made me a millionaire and I had you know, it got me closer to God and it got me physically fit and all the other great things that came with just leveling up my life.

I was miserable and I took a step back and I really kind of did an analysis of my life, and I don’t know if you or your audience has read the book, The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer, absolutely banger of a book where it teaches you how to stop clawing your way in life to success and let God or the universe whatever you believe in for me, it’s God.

Let them guide you in your life to success and at the time I was already dabbling with cryptocurrency and you know as an entrepreneur you try many different things, you kind of get that shiny object syndrome sometime and I did e-commerce, and I did a few other ventures that you know, I just didn’t pan out but this one here there was something interesting about this asset I was starting to have a little bit of success with that and I already had known that this asset class had made more millionaires and billionaires in 2020 and 21 and any other asset class in the world, including real estate.

A lot of my friends got really wealthy in cryptocurrency and I was like, I wonder what would happen instead of putting 10,000 hours into real estate and, know, wholesaling, fixing, flipping, all this stuff I was doing. Like they say it 10 ,000 hours to be an expert in anything. What if I focused the 10,000 hours into this asset class? This asset class is emerging quicker and faster than any other asset class I know about and it’s making more millionaires and billionaires than any other asset class.

Like why is this asset class not talk about more focused more what’s going on with this and I knew it was, you know the future and so I did that I started focusing 100% of my time and energy on it, I ended up shutting down the real estate company and that’s when I did move to Puerto Rico with my family out here this happened in 2022.

Now that’s all we do, we do cryptocurrency full time, making passive income via crypto. We’re not traders and we help other entrepreneurial, you know, friends of ours to do the same and it’s been an absolute blessing. I get to do what I want with whom I want, whenever I want now. I mean, we still work, obviously, we still do the things. But that’s because we love doing this, we love, you know, running our community and I love digging into cryptocurrency protocols. That’s I eat, sleep and breathe this stuff.

Like I’ve never been more passionate about something that, like work wise in my whole life. It’s amazing how when you do something that you love, it’s not working. When I was doing real estate, it felt like work. Like that was work, It was and so it’s been an absolutely amazing journey and we’re not done with real estate all together.

In fact, we were on a mission to bring these two asset classes together. We have a saying that we want to use cryptocurrency as a wealth creation tool and use real estate as a wealth preservation tool. Where before I was using real estate as a wealth creation tool. It’s a lot of grind grit and hustle and lawsuits to use it as a wealth creation tool. What is a great wealth preservation tool, go make your money, start a business.

You know, whether it’s e-commerce or investing crypto, it, your wealth and then preserve it in the real estate. Just be the money in deals. I never want to find a deal or run a deal ever again in my life, but I’ll be the money in deals all day long and preserve my wealth there. So that’s kind of like for me, it’s a snapshot of, who I am in the last like 11, 12 years.

Yeah, wow, quite an interesting journey and I really like how you framed that, right? I mean, it’s all about value creation and, you know, business owners, entrepreneurs, right, probably have the biggest opportunity to have uncapped potential on the revenue that they can make.

So as you create that revenue, right, then you can invest it in some of these assets like real estate to offset your taxes, right, create multiple passive income streams and then increase some of the forced appreciation on that side. So yeah, definitely that strategy resonates as well. So how about how about for you as well, Dan?

Yeah, it’s it’s been a wild ride. I met Cory, Cory and I met from real estate investing. We met at a mastermind and became good friends from just having similar businesses and I went and built a business just like Cory. My background is a little bit different. I’d really bought into the idea of going and doing way too much school. So I went and got a graduate degree. I thought I’d go and conquer corporate America and it was really eye opening.

My first job into the workforce after I graduated from college. I had a boss that was assigning people in our department to babysit me, to follow me around the department and report back to him about how I was using my time. I’m top 10% performer in my department in first three months. I like just being good at what I’m doing, right? I think a lot of entrepreneurs are that way and man, he’s babysitting me and I thought “you know, this is the opposite of what I anticipated in corporate America.”

I’d always had this desire to go build something for myself, I think, you know, I think most people out there in the world, they have some desire, right, to be more and the difference between somebody that’s a good entrepreneur and someone that’s not is oftentimes just taking the leap and figuring out things as you go, you willing to stay committed to that dream? Are you willing to stay committed even when things are hard? And the answer for most people is no.

And so I was trying to conquer corporate America, was abundantly clear that that was not going to be the path that would lead me to the things that I wanted, to my aspirations and so I started investing in real estate on the side, or I started trying to anyways, and I’m running off to the bathroom to take calls. During work hours, I’m taking extended lunches.

I’m just trying to make this freaking thing work and then I got moved to a new company and within four months I was laid off. Our entire branch, 100 people, it was done, and this whole idea of like a safe job with good benefits, it’s not true. That can go up in smoke in an instant and that was the case for me, and thank God that it did. I didn’t have the courage at the time to really step out and go do something for myself.

Sometimes God gives you the push that you need and I was very much in a place where I needed a push, and so we got laid off and many of my coworkers were devastated, and I was really excited. I walked out where I was alone, I could have some privacy,  I called my wife and I said, “I got laid off, good news I’m just going to go do this real estate thing full time.” And she said, “well, have at it.”


And that’s exactly what I did and the tricky thing with real estate, like it’s a fascinating idea, this idea that you’ll invest in real estate, money will come in passively. In fact, like here’s a really interesting math equation for you. A good like net, net passive income on a per door basis. Now, of course, it’s going to vary per market and you know, there’s a lot of different factors, but a common number you see a lot of real estate investors throw around is $300 a door. Like if I can net $300 a door per month, I think that’s a fine rental, right?

But gosh, the downside of that, and this is the risk. It’s funny, people want to talk about risk and investing. A lot of people talk about how real estate’s this super safe thing. Well, here’s your risk, is you have a bad tenant that destroys your unit, and if you’re making 300 bucks a month, they destroy it, well, for easy math, like, would say it’s a 30K rehab, literally, that’s 100 months of income gone.

Like, you know, just as well as we do, Dave, right? If you had a hundred months of income and your business gone, well, guess what? You’re out of business and that’s so common. That’s such a common thing that you see with real estate, depending upon scale and where people are at and so I found that out relatively quickly. I was really blessed. Like, Corey went and built a seven figure operation, I built a little rental portfolio, 25 units or 25 doors.

We were flipping and wholesaling, but gosh, I wasn’t like getting ahead in many respects that I thought that I could and that’s where crypto came in and it changed everything. I was looking for something that like Corey talked about where I could have more freedom. And man, I started, I bought my first Bitcoin in 2017. I started taking crypto more seriously a handful of years ago and within about four months, I’d taken $100,000 and created this passive income machine.

“I started taking crypto more seriously a handful of years ago.”

It literally is like a money printer, like I paid for a money printer and that money printer started turning off 50k a month in passive income on a hundred thousand dollars. I mean, it was it was bananas. Like it broke my brain and once again, back to like the nudges and the pushes that God gives you, sometimes he gives you a nudge and sometimes he freaking rolls out the red carpet, and that was like a rolling out the red carpet event for me, in my opinion, where he was like, hey, you know, I’ve got a different path for you right now.

And so that’s how I ended up doing what we do now. I started our mastermind and all of our real estate buddies, mine and Corey’s both, wanted to know a better way, and so we feel very much so like we found that better way and we have people like Corey said, use something like cryptocurrency where you can get enormous mouthwatering growth in short periods of time with limited time in.

You don’t need tons and tons of capital, you can mitigate risk there. But gosh, like you could grow your money so fast and then use that to be able go back and preserve it in things like real estate, oil and gas businesses, pick your cup of tea to offset taxes. It’s really up to you and so that’s how we end up doing what we do today.

Wow, really cool stories there. I think just to clarify for listeners, right, you you guys took the active real estate side, right, of really hustling and that fix and flip business couldn’t be a harder grind, right, to do that, you know, good place to start, right, really generate capital before you become accredited. The majority of our listener base are accredited investors.

So we’re looking, you we know that time is our greatest asset and we’re always looking at, you know, passive type opportunities and also getting leverage right by a bigger team, right? Where we can get into a bigger opportunity, but definitely some good points and some good learning lessons about how you think about that and again, you know.

I really love to think about just really asset allocation strategy and portfolio thesis, right, and thinking and also looking at how family offices are allocating right into this asset class, you know, what is the play that they’re doing. So, I think there’s definitely an opportunity to do that. Why don’t we dive right in and really unpack DeFi and I’d like to kind of present this.

I know you guys can go super deep on this topic, right? But in the interest of the audience, lets kind of keep the discussion 101, right? So we can just follow along what you’re doing and let’s start it with what is crypto DeFi, right? If someone’s completely new to this, they’ve never heard about it before.

Yeah, sure. Do you mind if I take this one, Corey? I’ll start and you fill in the gaps. OK, cool. So, I mean, all your listeners are going to be abundantly familiar with the collapse in 2008, right? Everyone was around and it was brutal for many people, especially some of the really big guys, right?

They were positioned poorly and the market ate them alive and so, you know, you have different thought processes of how to manage money and how to build a system where your money actually becomes more valuable rather than less and that’s really the foundation for which Bitcoin and thus crypto came to be, and so we’ll use a couple of terms here that probably many of your listeners have heard, but I bet very few of them could actually explain in a decent measure of detail.

Two different terms, the first is blockchain and the second is cryptocurrency. So to understand cryptocurrency, we’ve got to start with blockchain. I’ll spare you all the boring stuff. But essentially the blockchain at an oversimplified level is just a big giant open public spreadsheet or ledger. It’s just a record keeping database and the beauty of this is that it’s open source where anyone can go in and see money movement.

They can see what’s who’s doing what and it operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s a beautiful system and rather than having someone like the banks that, you know, it seems like they’re always committing white collar crime and getting a slap on the wrist, and in fact, the government even invites them in to make laws and rules, even as they’re the ones breaking it.

Something like blockchain keeps people honest because everyone there is naked and you can’t pretend like you have something that you don’t, because everyone’s naked and it’s abundantly clear what’s going on. So that’s the actual blockchain tech. Once again, it’s just a big giant spreadsheet where people can come and see the database of money movement and where the money’s at.

Keeps everybody honest and then the actual cryptocurrency is it exists on the blockchain. So kind of like you have the internet and then you have internet-based companies like Netflix or Google or take your pick.

They’re built on the internet, have cryptocurrency built on top of the blockchain and cryptocurrency, a good analogy is kind of like, you know, it represents your ownership in a company, if you will, kind like a stock, right? You own a stock, it represents your shares in a company and if that company performs well, then guess what?

Your shares typically become more valuable and cryptocurrency is similar in certain respects to that where you own the cryptocurrency, it represents your shares in different platforms and structures and really beliefs like how do you want to go about investing? And so that is the basis of where we come to with cryptocurrency, where it’s an open source way of exchanging value, where people are held to a higher standard and are forced to be honest because of the way that blockchain technology is built.

It’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and computers and code run it rather than people that make mistakes, and so it’s a beautiful system in coming into how we can transact and share value as compared to the outdated system that we all are abundantly familiar with right now and so that’s a good foundation. Corey, you want to talk about where DeFi comes in?

Yeah, and as I talk a little bit about the ethos and this will tie why DeFi is. DeFi the ethos and kind of the ideology a guy named Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin. He created it with the vision of that he wanted to empower us the people not big banks, governments centralized entities.

In fact, he saw the problem with that and he wanted to decouple us from them and so he wanted he saw basically our freedoms being stripped away. For example the word permissionless. It’s one of my most my most favorite word, It’s a beautiful word. Nothing in our life is permissionless anymore, we’ve been stripped away slowly through society of all our permissionless.

Right, including the permission to transact. You don’t have permission transit permissionless to transact. In fact, when you go to eat tonight at the restaurant, you got to fork over your credit card and you’re requiring the bank to give you permission to spend money for that meal. How many times has your credit card been blocked? Multiple times, I’ll be traveling all the time and it’s like, I got to call the bank and have my card unblocked for pain.

Nothing in our life is permissionless but true cryptocurrency is it’s censorship resistant freedom to transact peer-to-peer, permissionless money, nothing in our life is that anymore because we’ve been stripped away all those rights slowly and Satoshi Nakamoto saw that and that’s why he created Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is so true cryptocurrency all true cryptocurrency is DeFi. So let me kind of clear this up, DeFi stands for decentralized finance and when Bitcoin was first created it was fully decentralized. In fact that no other centralized entities had ownership. There was no governmental control and it was worldwide. Even, countries couldn’t say, I own all the Bitcoin and you can’t transact with this without my permission. They can’t do that and that was part of the vision with that.

And so true Bitcoin is DeFi. Now, through the crypto journey that we’ve been on for the last 15-16 years, that’s changed man likes to screw things up. So we created centralized exchanges recreated like, you know, places like FTX, you know, that was a big centralized exchange that was actually the premier centralized exchange for United States. You know, it was just like Coinbase in Kraken in Binance.

These are just centralized entities that own these cryptos and when you go on these exchanges and invest in their exchange, you’re investing in a third party. You have counterparty risk. This is exactly the opposite of why cryptocurrency was invented. FTX collapse and people lost billions of dollars. This guy was Sam Baichman Fried. I like to call him Sam Baichman Fraud.

He had like $11 billion or something crazy of our money that he went and traded away and embezzled and all this other kind of crazy stuff. It’s the opposite of why cryptocurrency was invented. So true decentralized finance is where you’re the bank. You’re the custodian of your crypto.

You hold your crypto in your hands on a hardware wallet preferably here’s one here if you can see it and you’re the one that’s transacting with your crypto directly on the blockchain you’re not relying on a third party you’re not relying on any middleman there’s no counterparty risk because it’s just you and the code the way it was intended to be when Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin but we’ve lost our way and if you will and DeFi is bringing that way back and saying, hey, we’ve lost the ethos of cryptocurrency.

DeFi is the way of what crypto really is and so it’s just basically where you are the custodian, you’re your own bank, you have self sovereignty, you’ve gotten your rights back, the freedom to transact with peer to peer censorship resistant, permissionless money. It’s a beautiful thing and then you can engage with the blockchain and do all kinds of sorts of things like.

And we can get deeper into this because when the passive income comes in, like yield farming, providing liquidity, staking, mining, there’s all these different strategies you could do on the blockchain that provides a service. Just like when you provide a service in the real world, you get paid for it. Well, it’s the same with crypto on the blockchain, except for that service is provided by your computer. Your computer is really the one doing the work and making the money, but the computer don’t spend the money, which we do. So we get to keep the money.

And so it’s true passive income versus active slash packed passive income. Hope that kind of makes sense, but that’s what DeFi is. DeFi is just, you’re the one who’s in control of your money without any middlemen.

Yep, got it. That was a good explanation and everything. So yeah, so let’s take that into passive investing and maybe you can break down a couple of those examples that you gave with yield farming and things. How does that actually work?

Yeah, let’s just go rapid fire. Corey, I’ll explain one, you explain one, we’ll go back and forth. This will be good. Let’s go with, so one of my favorites is, I’ll take the yield farming one. That one’s a fascinating concept. know, yeah, and add some of the highest passive income. So that’s why a lot of people like it.

I mean, we’ve had times where, you know, you’re earning thousands of percents of APR and their self-balancing system. So think of, think about it this way, Dave. What do you do if you start a new business to acquire customers? What are some ways that you would acquire customers?

Marketing channels advertising. Yep.

Right and there’s tons of different marketing channels, right? So let’s use a very simplified example. Let’s say that I’m spinning up a pizza shop, right? A pizza shop or a chain of pizza stores. One of the things I could do is I could give away some of the pizza that we make. I can give it away to our customers and say, you know, like we run a promo, buy one, get one free type of thing and it doesn’t cost me a lot because it’s what we make, right? And I can incentivize people, can attract customers.

Well, what do cryptocurrency companies make? What is their service? Well, they make cryptocurrency and so what can they give away to try to incentivize new users to come and check out their stuff? Well, they can give away money and that is exactly what many of these new companies do, is they give away money, they give away value, for you as a user to come and get you and attract you to say, come and try our service.

And so that is the fundamental basis of what a lot of this stuff operates on and it’s up to you to determine who is a valid person to go and try to utilize their tools and things because we all know that not all tools are created equally, and so something like yield farming, if I’m somebody that created a new crypto platform and I want to track Dave and I want to track Corey.

Well, then I can go on there and once again, I’m creating money out of thin air so I can literally choose to just give it away, and it’s largely up to the market participants to see how they value this new money creation. Is it actually valuable or is it garbage? And, you know, like we could talk for five hours about how that’s all how that all evolves, but the simplest level.

Well, I’m gonna offer rewards. I’m gonna offer rewards to you guys, I’m gonna say, “hey, come over and try my cool stuff. I’m gonna give you some of this cryptocurrency that we’re creating.” And specifically, I’m gonna reward specific behavior and the behavior that I’m gonna reward you with is I’m gonna say, “hey, come and take your assets.”

So Dave, you’ve got cryptocurrency A and cryptocurrency B, and I want users to come and trade those cryptocurrencies and so I’m gonna reward you, Dave for coming and putting those cryptocurrencies up on this decentralized platform where once again like Corey said, you’re in charge of the money, but I’ve just given you the tool for which you can put coin A and coin B there and it facilitates trading, it provides the liquidity so that users can trade between coin A and coin B and since you’re providing that service on my platform, why give you rewards in cryptocurrency that we create and we offer, and the rewards are typically self -balancing systems.

They’re very high typically, I mean, like I said before, we’ve had times where we went in and literally we’re earning thousands of percents APR at any given point, and then as more people see the opportunity, it’s kind of like, I’m trying to remember, think whose show it was that I was listening to, but they gave the example. said, you know what, like the first guy that was standing out of New York stadium and he said, you know what, people here are hungry.

Let’s feed them hot dogs, they spun up a hot dog stand and it went great, right? It went great and the problem started happening when other people saw the opportunity, and they’re like, “well, that guy’s doing a hot dog stand. I could create a hot dog stand.” Now you have freaking 100 hot dog stands and nobody’s making very much money and that’s how these pools work too. As people see the opportunity, as people flood in, it naturally pushes down the rewards because I don’t need as much money now on my platform because I got a lot of users participating.

And similarly, if they leave, well then those APRs, they go back up and so there’s these self-balancing systems, and that’s the basics of yield farming and how it works.

Got it. Well said.

Yep, and I’ll take one of the hard ones Dane which is mining This is a fun and I’ll take it because I am mining right now. I love mining proof-of-stake layer one block chains I don’t mind Bitcoin, Bitcoin is proof of work tastes way too much computer power way too much money It’s not worth it to me in my opinion the investment when you can do proof-of-stake mining off a laptop like this and all you’re doing when you’re mining is you’re running a server.

You become a piece of the blockchain. So blockchain, what’s finished out what it is a day. We’ll talk about all these ledger. It’s a ledger. Well, basically how does this ledger operate in cyberspace? What’s all these computers from all over the world host this ledger? and that’s why it’s decentralized, because all these computers are all over the world.

Well, when your computer is hosting the ledger and making new ledgers, and in fact, we call these ledgers blocks. That’s why it’s called blockchain. A block is created, it’s filled with information, and then it’s sealed, pushed down a line, and another block is created, aka ledger. Well, your computer gets the opportunity when you’re plugged into the server to make those blocks.

It also executes transactions. If I were to send Dane $100, a miner has to go in there and execute the transaction and then it also call does what’s called hold consensus. That means that all the computers just come together and agree that the ledger is correct and every time they come together and agree that the ledger is correct, there’s also a reward. So you’re earning passive income in the layer one token.

I’ll give you example like Etherium, Etherium is a layer one to proof of stake. You could run a server and mine Ethereum and you get paid in, know, obviously Ethereum because your computer is providing a valuable service.

It becomes a piece of the blockchain. You’re part of it, you are Ethereum when you are running the server linked into the Ethereum network. Does that make sense? That’s mining in a nutshell.

Yeah, got it, got it. Okay, so how does your program work, right? So let’s say I was new and I wanted to kind of get into this game. I want to allocate some capital and everything. How does, do you guys kind of have a roadmap for people that they can kind of walk through things and get in? How does that work?

Yeah, absolutely. So, you did a great introduction, by the way, our goal is to demystify this thing that’s called cryptocurrency. A lot of people see the parabolic growth or they see the volatility to the downside, but they’re unaware of the opportunity to do a few different things to protect capital and to grow it in a tactical way.

In fact, we had a bunch of people when you had some of the banks collapse like Signature Bank and so what was the other one? Signature, you had two others. What were they? Silicon Valley. Yeah. When those started collapsing, you saw cracks in the current economic system and we had a lot of high net worth individuals reach out and say, “guys, I’m scared about keeping my money in the bank, I’ve got millions of dollars liquid, I’m waiting for my next opportunity or whatever it may be, maybe I just want to sit on cash.”

Well, what happens if the bank has an issue? Technically, the government shouldn’t bail you out if you’re at Signature Bank or Silicon Valley Bank. Technically, those people should have lost everything above, I think it’s like 250K that FDIC insures, but they build everybody out there because they need to inspire confidence in the current system.

If you don’t have confidence in the banking system, then you have a bank run and it’s probably no secret to any of your listeners that they don’t hardly hold any freaking money at the bank. They just don’t and so you’re screwed. You’re screwed in that scenario and so what you can do rather is you could take your money, and once again, this isn’t rocket science.

We teach people and we tell everybody the same thing. Look, in less than 10 hours, problem for many people, four to six. Four to six hours. We can have people bring capital onto the blockchain where they de-risk from the banking system if the banking system has issues. Well guess what? My bank can go out of business, but I could go and I could take my crypto and I could link it to any other bank and I could go and pull out cash. Banks going out of business doesn’t hurt my capital or Cori’s or any one of our other members.

So four to six hours, we help them learn what it looks like to move money onto the blockchain and then the very important part, any investor should be asking themselves, I’m sure your community does the same thing. The first question is not how much money can I make, rather how do I ensure that I get my capital back, right? That my initial capital is safe. Well, we take everybody through, and Corey showed already his hardware wallet, but we show everybody how to be their own bank, how to use their own hardware wallet.

So they protect their capital and then we show them different ways that they can go and they can grow it to make passive income. I’m telling you, Dave, it really is like creating a money tree. Like you could go right now on the blockchain, use a decentralized system. Some people are familiar with some of the different ways you could have made passive income in the last bull run, but they’re familiar with the centralized things where people lost money and were stolen from.

You could go to a decentralized platform and be earning 10 to 20% APR on your dollars with no volatility on the blockchain right now. You can do that right now and it takes literally, I mean, I could set you up in a couple hours and then you could let the thing ride and you don’t really have to do anything else. You have to babysit it until you want to come and take profit or move capital around and gosh, if you want more upside, like I said, we’ve had months where we make 50K in a month from the money printer that took me five minutes to create and set up.

So it’s not rocket science, it’s just a matter of understanding any deal structure, whether it be private equity, whether it be real estate, whether it be whatever, just a matter of getting a little bit of knowledge, having the guidance, then coming in and using the systems as they were intended to to benefit we the people, not BlackRock, certainly not Nancy Pelosi, but to give us an opportunity to use an honest system where everybody can be treated well.

Yeah, got it. Makes sense. So how can you explain really the volatility, right, of crypto, right? So, you know, it’s doing well right now, but, very often, yeah, you’re going to see a six, seven, 10%, you know, swings. We’re seeing really large swings. So if you’re trying to, you know, leverage crypto in terms of like a store of capital and safety, right, if I’ve got a million and I want to put it on there to be safe, but then it drops, you know, 10% in a week. You know, how do you explain for that? How do you manage that?

Yeah, I can take it if you want. So the immaturity and the newness of the asset class is one reason why it’s so extremely volatile. But it always won’t be that way, Dave. In fact, you can see Bitcoin now, Bitcoin’s been around about 15, 16 years. It’s been around for a minute now and it’s starting to kind of get established as a blue chip type asset. Even on Wall Street, you have the Bitcoin ETF, you have the Ethereum ETF.

The volatility is starting to get sucked out of Bitcoin where literally the last cycle, it only did a 75% drop in the bear market. Now you’re like, no, you’re thinking, my God, 75%. But I mean, it can go up to 99%, which it has before in prior cycles. So the volatility is dampening because the asset is older and more mature.

Now to that, also the volatility to the upside is dampening. So this cycle, which is what I really want to emphasize on too in a second, but this cycle we might see if we’re lucky at three X on Bitcoin. Well, I got news from you. I didn’t get into crypto to get a three X. I’ll go flip a house and make a three X on my money. I got into crypto because I want the mad gains and you’re not going to get the mad gains without the volatility.

So if you wait till the asset is mature enough where there’s no volatility, then you’re not also going to not going to get the gains. You’re also just as good as going into the stock market or buying real estate. You’re buying into a very mature asset class. So the upside potential is very limited. And then your downside potential is also going to be limited. Now, crypto, the older assets are going that way. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this cycle in the bear market Bitcoin only drops 50 or 60% versus 75, which is wild.

That’s it’s unheard of a crypto. Now people are like, “Okay, well, still, Corey, how do I invest in this not go through these wild drops?” Well, in the short term is always gonna be volatility, there’s always gonna be going down 10%, up 60%, down 30%, up 3x, you’ll wake up some days, your portfolio will be up a 3x. If you put a million dollars in there, you’ll wake up, you’ll have 3 million, you’d be like, what the heck?

And then the next day you’ll look, it’ll be 1 .5 next day. You’ll be up for next day. It’s down to one. That’s literally the volatility of it, but the key is to understand market cycles and to be a student of market cycles on a very deep level. I’ll tell you, but if you knew back in 2006 that the real estate crash was right around the corner.

I know some people who knew that knew about it and had predicted it, but if you had a crystal ball that told you when the next crash is and when the next super cycle is all in that crystal ball, you would go invest all your money in the real estate or take it out or whatever have you based off that crystal ball have that in crypto. Cryptocurrency follows the four year liquidity index cycle down to the T.

In fact, we can know where we’re at in the cycle down to the month and what assets are going to move and not move if you become a student of the market cycle. have to really understand this stuff at a very deep level, not just like, you know, go to look at a couple of charts and figure, you know, this stuff takes a lot of learning, a lot of understanding. In fact, we have guys that we look up to that are even more knowledgeable about cycles and everything that goes in it than we are and so the market cycles are king.

First is security and getting your crypto set up in a way where you can’t get robbed. That’s very important. There’s no point in building anything, any asset class out, if you can get taken from you, that’s number one. Number two is cycles and position yourself at the right time of the cycle for growthm and right now we’re coming in that part of the cycle where we should see some massive growth in crypto all the way into about the middle of 2025, and it’s funny because even these four year cycles repeat, we looked back for this last year.

We were like 98% right on track where everything that happened in the last cycle four years ago is happening right now. And it’s been that way. It’s really eerie sometimes and how these cycles repeat down to almost like the day. It is so crazy how crypto works and it’s the only asset class that offers you that the people who get wrecked and who lose money in this asset are the people who don’t do their due diligence and understand cycles. They come in and buy the top.

That’s where most people get into crypto because all the FOMO and everyone’s hearing about everyone getting rich. They come in and buy and that was the top and now the bear market comes and they lose anywhere from 70 to 99% of their money, and that’s how people lose in crypto besides getting, you know, right, rinsed and scammed. But that’s where most people come in and lose money from is because they came in and treated it like a casino. They treated it like, you know, I’m going to put this money in and actually get a hundred X.

Now you didn’t understand cycles, uou don’t understand the asset, uou don’t understand how to do due diligence, you don’t understand the communities, you don’t understand the code underneath it, uou came in, you gambled. You got to treat it like a natural asset class.

You have to become a student of this asset class. Like anything else, real estate, you know, it took me years to get that business to where I was operating at a very high level, you know, it wasn’t something I spun up overnight. In fact, on my third deal day, if I lost $250,000, they wiped me out of my life savings.

Like I was wiped out and the only reason why I was able to continue on. So I had my nine to five still, and I wanted to, I learned to wholesale and that’s how I able to dig out of that hole. But if I don’t walk away and call it a scam, I wouldn’t be here right now, I continued to push forward. Crypto is no different. It’s no different. You go in, you’re going to gamble around with it you’re going to, you know, you’re going to get wrecked., but if you come in and you become a student of this asset class, become a student of cycles, yes, there’s gonna be some volatility in there and you have to understand you have to weather the volatility as long as you’re positioning yourself at the right time with the right asset, you understand the cycles.

So that’s another part of the strategy too, Dave, are you familiar with what stablecoins are? Yeah, so I mean, as part of the strategy, depending upon what the risk tolerance is and what they want to accomplish for your listeners that are less familiar, stablecoins just represent your dollars on the blockchain and they take the volatility out of cryptocurrency.

If you know the different systems and where to go and use the stablecoins, you can go use stablecoins which once again, they take the volatility out of crypto and you go make 10, 20% APR on your stable coins. I mean, show me a high yield savings account that’ll give you that. It doesn’t exist. You can go and do some of that stuff right now and avoid the volatility of the value of the tokens if your cup of tea is not to experience the volatility. So there’s a million ways to skin a cat and that’s part of the strategy based upon how someone got global wants to manage their risk.

Yeah, for sure. No, really good insights there, Corey. I can appreciate that really understanding the asset class, getting educated, understanding market cycles. And that really applies to any asset class, whatever you’re getting in, right? That’s one of Warren Buffett’s top rules is never invest in something you don’t understand. You know, and with that, I think that, you know, this it’s important to recognize that this asset class is not necessarily for everyone.

And a lot of that involves some you know, self-awareness and understanding, you know, if you can be successful at it, you know, is this something that aligns towards your unique ability and something that you could do? And the other thing is not to be getting into something because you’re chasing it just for the money, right? I think when you heard Corey really describe, you know, how much he loves, you know, crypto, he’s passionate about it. He is fully vested in so many different ways.

But if you try to get into this asset class, because you’re just trying to make a quick buck, that is the wrong approach to have, whether it’s crypto or really any different asset class. So some pretty good lessons there and I can share that I’ve seen and actually studied a lot of data right now, again, from family offices, ultra high net worth, and the typical allocation that we’re seeing through about 2023 has been one to 3 % of a portfolio allocated into crypto.

So something just to think about, right? Again, if you want to get into the game, it’s kind of like if you’re to go to Vegas, right? A great way to approach it is say, hey, I’m only going in with this much, right? That I’m going to, I’m willing to lose, right?

It’s important to recognize that this asset class is not for everyone… If you try to get in to this asset class because you’re trying to make a quick buck, that is the wrong approach to have whether it’s crypto or any asset class.

Mm -hmm.

You know, you don’t want to expand that. So if you have a strategy upfront, it can be really helpful. Well, this has been really helpful, guys, to really explain and and yeah, like we said, really demystify a little bit more around crypto.

Crypto is here to set to stay, you know, especially, as you said, with the institutions coming on board and a lot of different things. So really understanding your appetite, how that could fit into your portfolio and I love that you guys are creating passive income through this. So if someone were to really want to seek out your training, how does it work for them?

Yeah, the best way is to is to come and connect with us on social media. We’ve got a lot of different ways that people can come and plug in with what we’ve got going on and we have, you know, a range of different products, have multiple people that have, you know, multiple seven figures in crypto. Clear down to people that have, you know, a few thousand dollars and everywhere in between, just depend upon, like you said before, how one wants to manage risk.

I’ll leave you one of the one of the parting words that I think is so important for all of your listeners to understand is that central bank digital currencies are here and they’re not going anywhere. If you haven’t done the research already to be able to dive in to see what that is and how they operate, I welcome you to go on YouTube and just type in central bank digital currency.

There’s one here already in the United States, it’s called FedNow. They launched it last year and you probably haven’t heard shit about it yet because it’s not the proper time in the market to be able to get the masses to move over to a new currency system because it would scare everybody need COVID 2.0.

You need something of that nature in order to get the masses to migrate over to a digital dollar, a digital system where big banks and governments can manipulate the money however they see fit. And systems like this already exist in other countries.

Or if you break the law, guess what? You don’t get to go and spend your money at the grocery store like you want to, you don’t get to buy the gas that you may need for your vehicle, you don’t get to travel to places that you need to travel at the train station, so on and so forth. That is here and the control is only increasing, and so you have an opportunity to learn about these systems.

I think you know that Dave, even with a little bit of money, if you can learn these systems and how they operate, you can learn to be your own bank and protect yourself telling you it’s going to become pivotal to everyone over the next few decades to learn that. If you want to come and interact with us, you could find me on all the social media platforms. Dane Ballwinkle, screen name for crypto is Money Talk with Dane.

You can find me on Instagram, on Facebook. We do a YouTube show, DeFi Crypto Alliance. You can find us there as well. And on our website, you can go to CryptoWithDane.com or cryptowithcoree.com and it’ll redirect you to our website. We’d love to connect and see what we can do to help you generate wealth and then preserve it.

Yeah, my socials are just how my name are spelled Corey, Gary. You can find me on Facebook there. You can find me on Instagram. Instagram is the Corey Geary and then same on YouTube, and yeah, I mean, Danes, open the tinfoil hat conversation there in a little bit and I believe down to my bones that the defy space will be where true freedom will be explored.

You won’t be able have freedom without knowing deep behind the future. I have a three year old daughter, and it still it sends chills down my bones, you know, my spine, you’re thinking about her age, her at my age and what the world will look like, and I want to make sure I empower her with these freedom tools that we have been given and very passionate about that.

Yeah. Can you make a lot of money doing it? Sure. It is the highest appreciating asset class known the mankind. But there’s a lot of other underlying principles and ethos that comes with this asset class. It’s here to solve a problem for humanity. It’s up to us to use it.

Yeah, no, love that. And I think that’s an entirely another app episode. So glad you guys kind of brought that up. But I think that is another approach is to, you know, start getting smarter at it because it is here to stay and, you know, maintaining our liberties is really key. So, so appreciate that and in your time, gentlemen, great discussion and yeah, look forward to keeping in touch.

Thanks Dave, we appreciate it.

Thanks, Dave.

All right, thanks.

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