
Unveiling Infinite Banking: Turning Life Insurance into a Wealth Engine

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In today’s episode, we have a special returning guest, M.C. Laubscher is a visionary entrepreneur, investor, and best-selling author committed to revolutionizing the financial landscape for business owners. As the founder of Producers Wealth, M.C. is focused on reshaping how individuals build and sustain wealth across the U.S.

His educational platform, Cashflow Ninja, has impacted the financial futures of over 7 million people globally. With a portfolio that spans renowned podcasts, books, and thought leadership, M.C. is a sought-after expert in financial independence and legacy creation.

In this enlightening episode, MC delves into the importance of integrating life insurance as a stable and predictable asset class within your portfolio. Through practical examples and personal insights, MC reveals how the ultra-wealthy leverage life insurance for tax-efficient growth and financial stability.

Additionally, MC explores the infinite banking strategy, showcasing its versatility and unprecedented benefits in capital growth and financial security. They also address the unique challenges business owners face in capital allocation and provide actionable advice to mitigate risks and maximize growth.

In This Episode

  1. The role of life insurance in tax strategy and financial security
  2. Using life insurance as a stable and predictable asset class
  3. The advantages and application of infinite banking
  4. Effective capital allocation for business owners

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MC, welcome to the show.

Dave, great to see you. I’ve been looking forward to your conversation.

Yeah, always awesome to have you on the show. Really looking forward to this and excited to dive into your new book and unpack this book. I’ve got a copy with me right here. If you’re on YouTube, you can check this out. It’s called Get Wealthy for Sure. So looking forward to that, but you know you’ve been a guest multiple times on the show in previous sessions.

But for those who aren’t familiar with you, can you give us a brief background on your journey?

Yeah, so I’m originally from South Africa. So I came to the United States in 2001. So I’ve been here for a while, just playing sports and, obviously landing in the United States, I sought the opportunities that are available here and there’s no limit on upward mobility. It just blew me away. I just, you know, felt like I hit the lottery, right?

Which I think I don’t think any people that are born in the United States know that they hit a lottery by just being born here of the opportunities that’s available. So I played sports here and during my journey of playing sports, I studied, I learned, I read books, came across Rich Dad Poor Dad and I had my, I swallowed the purple pill, O ‘Kline and Sinka right there and I started to invest some of the money that I generated.

While playing sports and working at that time in real estate. So I took action I bought my first investment in and actually 2001 towards the end of 2001 single -family real estate and that’s when the journey started the you know, the big light bulb moment there was you know, I had acquired the property put tenants in there.

They got a contract in rented it out. I collected the rent, paid all the bills associated with it, and there was cash flow left at the end of the month. And I looked at that and I said, “wow, just like in the book, Rich Dad Poured Out. How many times can I do this over and over? How many of these properties can I acquire?” And since then you know, obviously, my journey has grown, but involved in many different asset clauses, different forms of commercial real estate, energy, insurance assets and have invested in many different businesses.

In 2015, I started my firm, Producers Wealth, which focuses on advanced life insurance strategies for business owners and investors, and we serve clients in all 50 states. So we do a lot of advanced strategies with regards to how to position capital, how to ticked your number one asset, which is yourself and your family, and also your business and then also doing some estate planning and legacy planning.

And then in 2016, I started a podcast called Cash Flow Ninja and it was a passion product project at that stage that I just wanted to, to learn more about all the different ways that people are generating income. I found it fascinating because there’s so many ways of how to do it.

That show, yeah, I never thought it would grow into what it’s grown into, but we’ve been downloaded over 7 million times in over 180 countries globally, and it’s now a podcast. We have books, we have webinars, reports, and it’s grown into a financial education platform. So I’ve had lot of fun doing that, meeting incredible people.

You know, I’ve like I said, I’ve been an investor now for over 20 years, I continue to enjoy that game too. So I love the game of business and investing. And through my businesses, I love to serve business owners and investors.

“I love to serve business owners and investors.”

Yeah, such an interesting journey. And I can imagine the perspective, right, coming from South Africa into this country. So many times, I think, we often take it for granted, right, the liberties that we have. A lot of this is, you know, it’s not only about financial freedom, right, but it’s, you know, creating freedom of purpose, freedom of time in our lives, freedom of relationships, like who do you want to actually work with?

All these things, you know, there’s definitely plenty of faults in this country, but there’s also just massive opportunities for those, you know, who can seize it. And I really appreciate your mission, MC, right? Because it’s all about really trying to serve others and provide this education that, you know, frankly, it’s just not taught anywhere else. You know, we go through all these educational systems in the country, but, you know, this is do it yourself.

You know, you have to actually figure it out, but not only are you teaching, but you have a lot of experience and actually implementing it, investing yourself and doing all that. So, really appreciate that and one of the things that really struck me about your new book here that I just, really like the title, right? It’s called Get Wealthy for Sure, and one of the things I’ve realized as an investor is that, you know, investing comes with risk.

We all think we all want our investments to be a home run, but the sooner you can grapple the fact that there’s risk around investing, and no matter what that type of investment is. So, you know, I’ve shared this story with many before, but like, we actually my wife had been gifted Kodak stock a big portion from her dad, which was really sentimental and meant a lot.

And you know, the company just overnight imploded, right? And it was supposed to be this safe blue chip stock, literally went to zero, absolutely no recourse, right? We’ve also seen this past year, people actually even investing in banks, and, you know, losing money in banks, right? So I love this topic of get wealthy for sure.

Right? Because you’re actually kind of, if you believe that you have a degree of certainty in your overall portfolio, this is about kind of creating certainty. So how can I get wealthy for sure? So really excited to unpack this and maybe why don’t we start with this MC and why don’t we just talk about what is the problem? You know, where do you see that the biggest financial challenges really lie for entrepreneurs and maybe the biggest mistakes that they’re making today?

Yeah, so you’ve made so many great points there. I would say the first thing that people have to understand and I have shared this many times, but I’m going to I’ll continue to share this message loud, loudly and proudly is that there are four distinctions that need to be made where capital can be allocated. The first one is savings.

The definition of savings is when you put your capital into a vehicle with not that much risk. I won’t say that there’s no environment where that’s completely risk free, right? So you don’t have a lot of risk in a savings vehicle and therefore because of the limited risk they are taking on, you get a very conservative return on savings.

And the goal obviously is to, for capital preservation, not to lose any of the money that’s in there. And because of that trade, you’re taking, you’re getting a very conservative return on that.

Second piece is investing. Now investing is when you allocate capital into a vehicle and you’re taking on a lot more risk in, because in that trade, you’re taking on that risk in the hopes of a much higher return. So this can be done strategically and obviously you have to educate yourself.

You have to be knowledgeable, know what you invest in and of course know the strategy. But that’s what investing is. So you can lose some or all of your capital. And then there is speculation, which can be an art form. There’s really good speculators out there and that’s when you look at distortions in the marketplace or trends that are coming.

And you position capital and you make a profit from that speculation. Again, you could lose some or all of it. And of course the risk is much, much higher than investing and therefore you’re hoping for a much bigger return even than the investments. And then there’s gambling. Now gambling, as most people understand, is placing bets. Now, can you win in gambling? Absolutely.

But if you look at the math, the overall math of gambling, you’re going to lose more than what you win. Even if you may calculate it bits. And I’m sure people are listening to this conversation and saying, hey, I know a card counter, somebody that does really well in gambling. And by the way, I know one too. He was in one of the masterminds that I was a part of. But even those folks mathematically, the game is rigged against you.

So you’re going to lose more than what you win. That’s why when you do hit a jackpot and a casino, by the way, there’s 20 people rushing towards you, offering you free room rooms and steak dinners and so forth. Cause in over the long term you lose. They know that that’s all that that’s all the game has worked out. So those four distinctions is very, very, very important. So this marketing that’s out there in the financial space.

I cringe when I hear stuff saying I’m saving for retirement in a 401k. I just absolutely cringe because it doesn’t even make any sense. The definitions doesn’t even match up. At that stage, they should be saying that you’re investing and I would argue that a case can be made that you’re probably leaning towards gambling if you don’t know anything about what you’re invested in. There’s no strategy involved. There’s no exit strategy and so forth.

So that’s the big thing is people have to understand those distinctions. Now, one of the biggest mistakes that I see and in the book, I share business owners, which investors are business owners too. You’re in your business is your investment portfolio, even as a limited partner. But one of the biggest mistakes that I see business owners do is when they start a business and they’re in a startup phase, they’re grinding. It’s hours that you put in there, lot of sweat and tears and time.

And at that stage too for the most part when people start up in business you’re all in so you don’t really look really good at a financial statement you actually look almost broke right because everything is invested in the business and then the business starts to take off and grow and all of a sudden it’s profitable and now you’re growing and scaling and while not a single financial professional would have taken the time to speak with you in the startup phase.

They’re now banging down your door to sit down and have a conversation. And what usually happens at that point in time is financial professionals sit down with a business owner and say, Mr. and Mrs. business owner, you’re doing a fantastic job. You’ve grown this business significantly. Let’s diversify some capital outside of your business for you and what they then do is then take the capital from the business owner and put it in stocks, bonds and mutual funds, very well diversified portfolio.

Well, at that stage, the business owner has taken capital from their business and provided liquidity to other people’s businesses and investing in other people’s businesses. So it’s never made sense to me. So the person that needs the capital the most, the business owner at that point is now investing in someone else’s business and providing liquidity where your business should be needing that.

You should be providing liquidity for your business and if you’re an investor, listening to this, you should be providing liquidity for your investment portfolio, even as a limited partner. I look at my investment portfolio that I’m limited partner in a ton of investments as a business. And I always need to have some liquidity on hand to grow that investment portfolio. So I think that’s one of the biggest mistakes that I see out there currently is they don’t know the definitions.

Most people don’t because we’re marketed to that way to confuse everybody. So I think that’s what’s going on. And then also understanding of who needs liquidity more. you’re very focused and you have a goal that you’re looking to accomplish and achieve, well, how do you align your assets, which is your capital, to continue towards that journey, towards your goal and what you’re looking to accomplish?

So I would say those are some of the challenges that comes to mind in this environment too for business owners and investors.

Yeah, that’s such a unique way to look at it. And I really just want to rewind that for listeners and make sure you really caught the grasp of what MC is saying there. So if you’re a business owner that is scaling your business, or let’s say you’ve actually exited your business, and all of these, you know, financial planners in Wall Street are going to have you invest in, you know, some kind of financial services products, right?

You are now taking capital off your board and putting it into some public company. And, you know, why does Tim Cook need more capital to scale his business? You know, when you could actually probably take your capital inside of your business, and at least, you know, get 10, 20, 30x return on that, right? So why not keep that capital keep doing what you’re doing? Or as you said, you know, having an investment portfolio is also the business. So providing liquidity to that to continue to scale your passive income, right? It’s really a unique way to look at it. So thanks for that insight.

Yeah. And when you’re a business owner, you have startup, you have your growth phase, and then you’ve got a self -manage, managing company phase, and then you have a self-multiplying company phase. So, that, that business is going to need capital and access to capital. So, you know, if you’re a business owner, do you want to be beholden to financial institutions and go to banks all the time?

Most people go there during a startup phase and then because of how cash flow is managed and where capital is positioned, they continually need lines of credit from a financial institution at that point to continue to grow and scale and finance the growth and scale of the business. So I look at that and say, how do we do this a little bit differently? How do we put ourselves in control over this position or our capital where we become the our own bank?

And we finance the growth and expansion of our of our business. And I just want to hit on that point that you just made to Dave, I appreciate you. You sharing Tim Cook with Apple, I kind of jokingly look at this, you know, I love Apple products. I have an Apple MacBook, I have an Apple iPhone.

But Tim Cook doesn’t need more of my money to scale his business. My own business and my own investment portfolio needs my capital to grow and scale.

Yeah. So where do you think is the best place for people to position their capital?

Yeah, when you when you have options, and there are options available for folks to so. So let’s explore some of them. So banks is the first obvious choice that people will explore, right? They look at, all right, well, do I just put it in the bank? Well, of course, banks these days are not not very, very secure and solid. And as a matter of fact, most of them are practically insolvent by their own financial statements.

If you take a look at it, there’s a lot of maneuvering going on there. So we’ve also seen what is it about approximately? I think I lost track. Seven banks fail in the past 12 to 18 months. We’ve had a lot of banks being downgraded by rating agencies. We’ve also had several banks being put on watch lists. So, yeah, the phrase or the saying money in the bank has not aged that well.

So the second option then is bonds. Well, if I don’t position large sums of capital in banks, we might be able to do it in bonds. Well, the reason banks were in trouble was because of the bonds. You had a massive interest rate spike and a lot of banks position capital in bonds. So you have an interest rate risk and you also have a massive counterparty risk at this stage because as everybody listening to this is aware that most governments, whether it be federal, whether it be state, provincial, local, they’re insolvent.

You’re hoping that’s an institution is going to make good on promises that is insolvent. So that’s another option. And then you then you look at from a efficiency standpoint to how do you know, one of the biggest threats, which everybody is aware of listening to this and Tom Real Right does such a good job of explaining this.

Your biggest threat is taxes. It’s a business owner investor, so that has to factor in where you position capital to protect it from taxes because we really have, you know, I call it a gray rhino storming at us as far as from a tax standpoint. People talk about black swans, which is an event that you don’t see coming a gray rhino being from South Africa is I look at as an event that you can hear it coming.

You could feel it coming and you could see it coming. And when the rhino is storming at you, you know it’s coming. the tax challenges that are coming is a gray rhino. So that has to factor in where you position it and then that brings in, you know, qualified plans, which people look at.

Lose complete control of your capital and you’re deferring taxes, which is the worst strategy currently right now, tax strategy to defer taxes, you know, 10, 15, 20, 30 years down the line could be financial suicide. So you look at other tax efficient options and that brings you to life insurance. And if you look at the asset clause of life insurance, which that is how it’s looked at by the ultra wealthy and in family offices, this is a place that they covet to position and warehouse large amounts of cash.

We have actual, some banks putting their money in there, a majority of banks still put capital on life insurance. We have corporations, we have family offices, as I mentioned, and then we have the ultra wealthy and even political elite.

Here’s a fun fact, it’s a little bit off topic, but the sitting president of the United States had to file a financial disclosure and he has six life insurance policies with a neutral life insurance carrier where he warehouses his family’s capital. It’s where he warehouses and stores his capital. So President Joe Biden has six of them and we found that out because he had to file financial disclosures. So this is a place where the ultra wealthy and positioned capital in.

They look at it as an asset clause because as an asset clause, it’s doing something in an overall portfolio. People have a different take on, you know, insurance. Most people don’t like insurance. I don’t frankly like a lot of insurance either because if you think about it, you know, a lot of the times when let’s just take a property in casualty auto insurance, you pay the premiums and when you need it, when there’s an accident and so forth, you file the claim and what happens? Your insurance costs go up.

So it naturally has a bad taste in the mouth of a lot of people. But if you look at it as an asset clause or the ultra wealthy look at it, this is a place where you have a ton of guarantees, you have predictability, you have certainty, and you also have clarity. This is the asset clause in a portfolio inside of family offices and with the ultra wealthy that makes all of the other asset clauses that you’re invested in better because this is a volatility buffer.

This is the one thing that is a rock solid foundation that’s not going to shake or move if there’s any turbulence in the economy and the markets. So that’s where a lot of folks position capital. And that’s where we position capital. And what I share in the book at Wealthy for Sure is you can position your capital in an asset cost.

A very specifically structured dividend bank, whole life insurance policy with a mutual life insurance carrier that’s structured specifically, specifically for early high cash value, because it has the guarantees of the premiums that you’re putting in there, your capital, which most of the premium goes towards your savings, your cash value. So that’s guaranteed. It’s guaranteed never to go down. It’s contractually guaranteed to grow.

Just step up every single year, you also get to participate in dividends from mutual life insurance carriers. It’s not guaranteed, but some of them have paid dividends, one carrier, since 1847, every single year, consecutively. So you’ve got a track record of a rock solid financial institution, mutual life insurance carriers, which are completely out, they’re not listed on the stock exchanges like stock insurance carriers.

They’re operated for their shareholders, which are their policyholders, which stock insurance carriers, they operate for their shareholders, which is the stock, the buyers of the stock, right? So BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, those guys. and so you’ve got all these guarantees. You’ve got the guaranteed of the growth and then it’s tax free growth. So it grows tax free in this vehicle and then you can access it tax free.

Through setting up a line of credit and policy loans. You can also add riders to the contract like a disability rider, which means if something happens to you as the business owner, then you don’t lose the policy and the insurance company pays the policy. And of course you have a death benefit associated because there’s a life insurance policy. So that is another big factor that goes tax free to your beneficiary.

So we always ask business owners and even investors, because again, an investor is a business owner. Your business is your investments. What would happen to you and your family if you either pass away or become disabled? And if you’re a business owner with partners, what happens if one of the partners passes away and become disabled?

“Your business is your investments”

What does a contingency plan look like for the family and for the business? So this is why it’s positioned in there. That’s a rock solid asset class that’s been around in the United States since the mid 1800s that provides this predictability, this certainty that provides clarity for you, the business owner. And that’s why I called, named the book too, Get Wealthy for Sure.

Cause this is the one strategy personally, you know, I’ve been doing this for almost two decades that I can always count on that. I know that it’s never going to go down in value. It’s going to increase nice and easy. it takes a lot of discipline, not get rich quick, not exotic, but you can get wealthy for sure. Having an asset class like that and positioning your capital and where else in your capital in your portfolio.

Yeah, so you talk about life insurance being an asset class. And I think a lot of people haven’t really thought about it in that manner. And we talk a lot on our show about asset allocation, and you know, what is the appropriate way to do it? We’re studying from family offices and sent to millionaires, you know, how would you really describe, you know, your asset allocation investment thesis, utilizing life insurance?

Yeah. So if you look at the overall asset location, I look at, you know, from a portfolio standpoint, that’s where that’s where cash is warehoused. So we, people always ask me is do you still use banks? I still have bank accounts, just not beholden to any financing that comes from a bank.

I, have positioned my capital and cash in this life insurance outside of the banking system and outside of outside of Wall Street. So that’s one portion of allocation. And then there is an allocation that I call wealth insurance. And that’s where some precious metals come into play. That I look at that as wealth insurance. So we’ve got cash, we’ve we’ve got precious metals and then I have a cash flow portfolio.

Which there’s different allocations inside of that cash flow portfolio, be it real estate, be it energy and so forth. And then there’s a growth portfolio, which you can invest in. This is much more longer term investments. And we’re really looking to to grow capital. So, for example, life settlements is an asset class where you can contractually grow capital over five to 10 year periods that might factor into that. there’s there’s four areas that I look at. So when it comes to life insurance.

That is the asset. So the asset of cash, how I can position that as efficiently as possible is that where is where the majority of cash is positioned. You know, we always talk about what are what assets and capital, right? Because people just think of financial assets and capital. Another thing that this does, this asset clause is if you’re trying to create a legacy for yourself and your family.

Well, those are the biggest assets of the family, you and your family. So that asset clause not only provides all this predictability and certainty inside of financial portfolio, but the family itself is protected and every family member can be protected, right? So with that asset clause, so it does multiple things simultaneously.

When you’re also looking at balancing portfolios, yeah, you can take some more, let’s just say policy loan from your banking system, which I call these life insurance contracts put together, your family banking system, and then you can deploy it into other assets. So your money is doing multiple things simultaneously. You’re still getting the growth in that system, in those contracts, in those policies while you’re leveraging the capital and investing in other places.

Banks know life insurance is our assets. They put them on their statements as assets. When you take a life insurance policy to the bank with cash value, one of these policies that we designed, the infinite banking policies, they look at it as an asset. And there’s actually certain financial institutions that have come up with products that are called Lilacs, life insurance line of credits where you place an asset as collateral at the bank.

So they know it’s an asset. The families of the ultra wealthy know it’s an asset and it’s an asset that does multiple things simultaneously. And that’s why I call it the asset clause that makes everything else in your portfolio better.

Yeah, it’s interesting. We’ve had a lot of conversations in our mastermind group about actually creating what we call a purpose-based portfolio, right? And so you’re looking at, you know, what types of classifications do you want around your assets? So for instance, you have growth, right? That you’re looking for growth and it could be long-term, right? Down the road. You’ve got cash flow, right?

But also, as you pointed out, this is the place where you can carve out this capital allocation of certainty in your portfolio. And do you need certainty for you and your family to live, let’s say it’s 12 months of runway, if you’re out of work or your business isn’t producing for 12 months, whatever that might be, or to handle, let’s say, a medical expense that completely came out of the blue.

You want to be able to be prepared for that, right? And not have to sell, let’s say, other assets to be able to cover that, right? So that’s really a good place for that that I’ve seen. And also, I like this concept as well around adding velocity to your portfolio. So I’ve been leveraging these infinite banking policies myself for over a decade.

And basically, we take, you know, it’s this process of taking the cash flow from our cash flowing assets, dumping it right into the policy, so it can immediately start to work for you, right? And then we can build up enough capital till we get to the next tranche to either set up a new policy or go and buy that next asset, right? So it is a great place to really store capital.

Yeah. You know, it, really, if you look back and I just, you know, look back fondly over the past, you know, two decades of having implemented the strategy. and I get used, I get asked plenty of times of what is the one thing that you’ve done over the past two decades that have made all the difference, in your overall wealth strategy. And it was because this was the foundational piece of it.

So it’s something that I can, that I know it’s there. I know it’s going to be there. And I know I can access it and to your point, when you set up these policies, you build up the cash value, let’s just say you take a policy loan and you invest in another asset clause or you reinvest it in your business. Yeah, it just becomes a cash flow management cycle because now the capital that is generated from investments and the new capital from the business can just be used to pay down this line again and it becomes available and you do it over and over and that’s why it’s called infinite banking.

And this is all while the cash value is placed as collateral. I just wanted to stress that point, which means it’s never drawn down. So you get uninterrupted compounding in your policy. So as if you’ve never drawn it down, where if you compare it to a savings account in a bank, you would just put money in a savings account, you would take it out.

Go and invest in an asset and now you have to build it up back again. Where in this policy, the reason why the ultra wealthy really, really likes the strategies because you get the uninterrupted compounding and it’s tax free. That’s another thing and I have to include that in how I explain this these days because I think the tax free uninterrupted compounding is going to be huge in the next five to 10 to 15 to 20 years.

Yeah, and I’d really like to just drill down on excuse me. I’d really like to just drill down into something you said there, which is, which is really the multiplier effect on this. And I think people often do not look at the entire gravity, right of a certain investment vehicle or asset class and what it’s trying to do, right.

But when we call it really strategy stacking, right with our well strategy. So you named so many different benefits, right that this can provide it can provide, you know, tax free growth, you have a death benefit associated to it, you can use it as collateral. It’s got asset protection on it, you can do legacy planning with it, right?

I mean, you just went on and on, right, with all of the different things. So when I start to look at and I create value for all of those different things, what does it mean to you to know for your family to know that you have a death benefit protection, if anything were to happen to you? What is the value of that? You know, and quantifiably tag a value to that.

Next, quantifiably tag a value to uninterrupted tax-free growth that you know you have certainty over. What is that worth to you? Right? What is it worth to you to know that you can create a reverse income stream and retirement, right, that’s tax-free to actually create this income stream, right, which is what we’re working about all the time.

So I would encourage people like the lens in which to look at this is take that multiplier effect and really try to quantify it to figure out the total value.

The predictability of this in today’s environment is incredible. I I would ask people to think about what is it worth to you and your family to have this type of predictability in one of the most unpredictable global environments and national environments that certainly people of our age have lived through, right?

So if you look at many of the different asset clauses right now that are out there, there’s a lot of unpredictability and there’s a lot of things happening. And of course, you know, interest rates have impacted a lot of investment clauses. So where does the predictability come in into your portfolio? And this is something that, like I said, is one thing that you can count on in very, very unpredictable times.

I’ll share a story quickly with you about unpredictability. So in March of 2020, you want to talk about unpredictable. March of 2020, the world was rocked and shocked, right? And as the economy was closing down and shutting down and so forth and people were just going to their homes, no longer going in, when you when you were a business owner during that stage.

And I always say to people we’ve we’ve almost collectively blocked out about 48 to 72 hours because there was a time period before any of the PPP loans, before any of the bailouts, before any of those things. How did people feel at that stage when there was no certainty of anything during those those those hours before?

You know, the government stepped in and offered these loans and bailouts and all those things and at that stage, personally, what happened is we got a lot of phone calls from folks asking, what was going on with the life insurance policies? And it was incredible because it was there. There was no change to it. Markets, remember, during that stage, crashed.

Depending on your portfolio allocation, but 40 to 50% some, some stop as just wall street portfolios, right? We’ve, had, we had oil that went negative during those days. So had all these things going on. What was the one thing that you can count on? And at that stage, you know, for myself and my family and for, you know, everybody in our networks and for clients, that was the one thing that was there. That was unchanged at all.

THe one thing that have really moved the needle and the trajectory of my own health and what I’ve seen elevate other peopleis the STRATEGY. The strategy of adding the specifically designed life insurance to your portfolio.

You know, we had certainty during that time saying, you know, we have this set up, it’s there. So, and not only was it there and we could access it at any given point in time, we could utilize and leverage it inside of our network at that stage to capitalize on opportunities, which there were plenty of in the next, you know, six to 12 months.

So think about the certainty and the predictability and then also think about how this positions you and puts you in a position of strength where you can capitalize on opportunities rather than a position of weakness where you then have to kind of like, know, yeah, reconfigure what you’re about to do or just protect what you have, right?

Yeah, yeah, really good insights there and appreciate that MC. If you could give our listeners just one piece of advice about how they could accelerate their own wealth trajectory, what would it be?

Yeah, I think I mentioned it a little bit earlier in our conversation, the one thing that have really, really moved the needle in the trajectory of my own wealth, and what I’ve seen just really, really, as elevated other people that we work with and clients, it is the strategy. It is the strategy of adding this specifically designed life insurance to your portfolio.

And what this does to other pieces of your portfolio is something that is really going to help the trajectory of your wealth. So that’s the one thing that I can share is once you start adding this, all of a sudden there’s more clarity, there’s certainty, there’s more predictability, which leads to confidence. So having these things put in place, the confidence that this provides that you’re always going to have access to capital when you need it most.

Once you start adding life insurance to your portfolio, all of a sudden there’s more clarity, there’s certainty, there’s more predictability which leads to more confidence.

If something bad happens, which unfortunately, that’s life. Bad things happen to great people all the time. If something happens, then yeah, there’s something in place as far as from a contingency planning standpoint for your family and your business. So this would be the, if I can share the one thing and one piece of advice for folks is, is what it’s done for me. I know this is what it can do for other people too.

Yeah, awesome. Well, thanks so much for demystifying this topic. I know it can be very complex for people kind of takes a little while to get your head around, you know, what this actually means. But I think you described it right in a way that’s very practical.

And people can also just think about it in a different way. And how that could, you know, really help them out, you know, regardless, of their position, if they’re an investor, or an entrepreneur.

So if you’d like to get a copy of MC’s book, get wealthy for sure, or connect with MC, what do you think is the best place for people to reach out?

Get wealthyforsure.com and I just wanted to also share them really really excited. Get wealthy for sure was number one on Amazon in several categories over the past week. So it’s it’s been really exciting to see that this message is getting traction. So yeah they if if they want to get a free copy paperback only by shipping and handling they could go to getwealthyforsure.com.

Awesome, really appreciate that MC. Thanks again for coming on the show. Yeah, cheers.

Thank you so much for having me.

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