
Optimizing Human Performance: Breaking Barriers in Health, Fitness and Vitality

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Today, we have a remarkable guest with us, Dustin Baker, a true visionary entrepreneur who has been making waves in the health and fitness industry for over a decade. Dustin’s journey is nothing short of inspiring as he acquired BioProtein Technology, aiming to revolutionize natural wellness.

His extensive collaboration with elite athletes, physicians, and military personnel underscores his commitment to optimizing human health. As the founding president of BioProtein Technology and BioPro+, Dustin has spearheaded the development of the first non-synthetic alternative to HGH and peptide treatments, promising faster, easier, and safer results.

During our conversation, Dustin shares his passion for reshaping the industry with breakthrough alternatives to prescription Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and Peptide treatments. His brainchild, BioPro+, stands as a testament to his dedication to providing safe and effective solutions for vitality and longevity.

What sets Dustin apart is not just his entrepreneurial spirit but also his unwavering commitment to empowering individuals without compromising safety. Through his leadership, BioPro+ has emerged as an unparalleled beacon of innovation in the field of natural wellness.

In This Episode

  1. Dustin’s entrepreneurial journey in the health and fitness industry

  2. His vision to revolutionize natural wellness and personal thoughts about anabolic and catabolic workouts

  3. The promise of BioPro+ for faster, easier, and safer results compared to synthetic alternatives

  4. Insights into Dustin’s morning routine, his leadership and entrepreneurial strategies

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Welcome to today’s show on Wealth Strategy Secrets. Our next guest is Dustin Baker. Dustin is a seasoned health and fitness entrepreneur aiming to revolutionize the natural wellness industry. He even collaborates with athletes, medical professionals, and military personnel, and has developed an innovative substitute for prescription, human growth hormone, and peptide therapies.

He also prioritizes safety and effectiveness in product development, leading to a product called BioPro+, recognized as a groundbreaking solution for enhanced vitality and longevity. Those are some of my favorite subjects, Dustin. I am looking forward to having this discussion with you today and sharing with the listeners, some of the ways that you’re focusing on longevity and health. It is an amazing place. 

Most of us are looking not to be average in life, but to get the most out of our health being fully optimized. It’s interesting because if you start to see certain people like Jeff Bezos, from 20 years ago, when he started Amazon; take a look at him now where he’s living in Miami and completely optimized. He’s taking Peptides and he’s doing the latest and greatest things. We all need to do that. And it all starts with education. I appreciate you being on the show and look forward to this discussion.

Thanks, Dave. I appreciate the intro. It makes me sound way cooler than I am, but it was a phenomenal introduction. Thank you for having me, I appreciate your time.

Before we jump into what you’re doing now, can you tell us about your story and your journey? Did you have a pain-to-purpose type story? how did it all start for you?

A lot of times I get asked how did I choose this industry or how did I get into the hormone or medical space. I will tell you that, it chose me. I did not go to school for this. I hardly went to school at all. I can barely read or write, let alone do what I’m doing now. But I say that as a joke. I grew up similar to a lot of people.

The most overlooked aspect of hormone optimization is forgetting all the products.

I grew up in a single-parent household, and health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition – that stuff was the last thing that we were concerned about. Most of the time, we were concerned about having enough gas in the car to get to school and for my mom to get to work. As a kid, things like health, and wellness were almost non-existent. Not to say anything poor about my parents; my mother’s a phenomenal mother. She killed herself to send us to the best schools we could and to keep food on the table. 

When you have poor habits as children – whether that’s food habits or television habits, you’re left to your own devices in a lot of respects, they can manifest themselves as poor habits as adults. They surely did for me. You enter into your late teens and early twenties, you’re supposed to be forging your way into the world and you find yourself drinking, partying, or doing all kinds of awful things. And those things compound.

One day, I had a friend who stepped into my life in my early twenties when I had long dropped out of college. He said, “Why don’t you come to the gym with me? Why don’t you stop doing what you’re doing?” (which was nothing I was doing anyway). I did. One day, it would create this snowball effect for the rest of my life and career. What I learned that day is that working out is working out. It’s great. 

Everybody should do it. What it gave was something I couldn’t purchase, something I couldn’t steal, something I couldn’t do or grasp by any means other than hard work, dedication, scheduling, and planning. It gave me this overall sense of purpose and direction, which I had had none. 

That led me to my first career – cleaning gyms, taking out garbage, and doing whatever I could to be under the tutelage of certain individuals who ran performance facilities. One thing led to another – taking over facilities. I got picked up by a national franchise, their director of sales and marketing here in Tampa, which trained professional athletes in football, college prep, and combined prep. One of these things led to another. 

During all of these different business ventures, I was involved in these formulas from a small lab here in Florida, which I liked very much. I threaded them into the different businesses. I used them for individuals who were in midlife, trying to regain their fitness and control of their lives, to professional athletes who were training in the off-season and going into the season, and everything in between. They worked incredibly well. 

They showed every effectiveness we could. They were extremely safe. They weren’t harmful or causing any type of drug tests or drug reactions. We can continue to use them. I was exiting one business venture and looking for my next move so decided to approach the company that made them. Because it was a small regional company. I said, “Why don’t you let us do it? And we’re going to take it to the rest of the world.” That’s why we did that in 2018. I wrote him a check, had a deal, took everything, then now we’re in over 40 different countries and have physicians who recommend and provide our products from here to Canada, South Africa, and all over the place.

Wow. It’s interesting how those stories evolve and you see those different forks in the road that lead you down a different path. I have a similar background in terms of sports and looking at health optimization. I did Ironman in the Marine Corps.

I started running. I never ran at all, but I had to in the Marines. Then before you know it became the next 10K, which became a half marathon, and then it’s adventure races – Ironman. I’ve been constantly seeking to optimize my health.

Now that’s evolved in further decades as to how I can live a quality life, how I can increase my energy so that I bring 10X more energy to my family, to my clients, and to the people I’m trying to create an impact with. It’s interesting how that all evolves. Can you tell us about the products specifically, and how they work? What are some of the things that it can help with?

Added stress and heightened cortisol levels, which cause you to overreact to every little thing, are detrimental to your endocrine system and hormonal balance.

I take a step back and do not even discuss or get into the product without understanding how our bodies and our physiology work and why. Trying to increase energy and trying to be optimized is such a big deal. We work in the area of hormonal decline and Endocrinology – hormone replacements, and hormone treatments. You talked about Testosterone therapy and peptides.

The body has master hormones. We focus on (Human) Growth Hormone specifically. It’s the master hormone for metabolic function, sexual function, energy, mood, and muscle function – lean muscle mass. The issue is that it starts to decrease as soon as you finish puberty. And every year after that by 50% by the age of 35.

What’s cool about growth hormone is that before the body ever even uses it, it has to be converted by the liver into what are called, ‘Growth factors’. Growth factors are simply cellular signals. They get sent out into the blood to trigger cellular change, whether that’s the cells in your skin, in your face; whether that’s the cells in your muscle tissue, or cells to heal a flesh wound. It’s growth factors that trigger this response. 

The reason why your skin starts to sag, or you start to Atrophy muscle – which is the loss of muscle as you age or things about sexual function and energy start to decline your body’s making less of the hormone that creates these cell signals. If the cell signals are not being created as fast, your cells die off, because the cell signals are simply triggering their multiplication and differentiation, which is cellular reproduction – that’s why you start to deteriorate.

That’s why your energy starts to go down. That’s why you start to store more body fat. That’s why your muscle starts to decrease. Your workouts might not work the same as they used to before. Your energy starts to go down. We do this instead of injecting a human with a synthetic hormone replacement drug, which is not natural in any sense of the word, or manipulating the actual glandular function that creates the hormone itself.

Why wouldn’t you take the cell signals, which technically are proteins? They’re complex amino acid chains and they occur naturally. If you can take those and stimulate the cell synapse – the cellular signals, why not do that instead of manipulating all of your endocrine system, all of your hormone system? That’s all that we do. We bypass all of the synthetic drugs or the synthetic interjection and we give you the Protein Amino Acid directly. Your body doesn’t notice anything different. 

They’re molecularly identical to what your body produces so it doesn’t cause any adverse events. There’s hardly any risk because of the nature of the product, because they’re technically Proteins. Your body will simply excrete what it does not use and it doesn’t incur any negative side effects in doing so.

Interesting. That sounds very similar to peptides. How does that relate to peptides?   

It is similar to peptides. But the difference is, peptides are a synthetically created chain of amino acids. They don’t naturally occur in nature, they’re a separate chain. In the growth hormone space, they are called Secretagogues. Meaning, they’re not necessarily hormone replacements. What they’re doing is manipulating the Glandular function – the gland that creates the hormone. 

Individuals with higher lean muscle mass tend to experience less disease.

Think of it like a lemon, pressing it to squeeze more of that hormone out. Now, is that better than the injection? That depends on who you speak to. The issue is, that you’re still synthetically manipulating the glandular function itself. It’s still going to incur a side effect whether that’s what’s called a ‘negative feedback loop’ – the actual shutting down of your natural production.

There are long-term downstream effects of constantly basically squeezing the pituitary for long extended periods when you’re synthetically starting that. Peptides were originally only created to be used for about three weeks. I’m talking specifically about growth hormones to create drug peptides. The word ‘peptide’ is a general term that can be used for several different drugs that are utilizing similar – we’ll use the word ‘Science’ for lack of better terms or methods.

But in the growth hormone space with secretagogues, which you are still after those growth factors, they’re only supposed to be prescribed for several weeks and then you would stop. The reason is, that there are negative side effects associated with long-term use because you’re still synthetically manipulating your hormonal function. What happened is that they work very well. 

But do they work for everyone? No product does, not even ours. But certain medical boards and the FDA step in and say, “You know you’re not supposed to do this.” This is not why they are created. When you start to use a drug outside of why it was originally approved or created, that’s called off-label use. Eventually, if off-label use goes too far outside of control, it starts to become what the government would consider a problem. 

They typically start to step in a few times and then eventually, they do what they did last year, which they said, “Enough is enough. You guys need to stop doing this. Let’s get back in the reigns here.” No one did. So they scheduled them as what would be called a ‘Class two’ or a schedule to no longer be used off-label. 

Their doctors scrambling all over the place to figure out how to replace their revenue streams for these drugs, to replace their supply. I’ll be honest with you, the government did half my job by creating a massive vacuum of lack of product where we fit into the place and we’ve been getting sucked up by the people looking to replace that revenue stream and drugs. It’s been awesome, Dave.

Awesome. One of the things I learned that’s super interesting is that, as men you can speak to women more. 

I get pulled into that a lot too and I’m not a woman, but I will do my best. Yes, I understand.

If you can comment on that one. But in terms of men’s health, what was surprising to me is how much we are losing testosterone in this day and age. Because of many things such as Endocrine Disruptors that are out there, and all the toxins that we live in. We have many technological advantages in this day and age. However, our health is suffering and it’s taking a toll. Frankly, most people don’t even realize what’s happening. 

All of those benefits or reasons why you would get into that, I don’t even think people are correlating that, that’s it. Unless you test for your testosterone levels, and see where you’re at. Then the second dimension to this that I find interesting is the average mean that’s being collected for what is considered “good testosterone” levels. That consensus group level keeps shifting and keeps getting lower. What a doctor might say is, “You’re in a good range.” We’re way far from that range.

You’re spot on. You’re speaking for me, we speak the same language. The studies are clear. I believe there was a 2021 study that analyzed the overall hormone level specifically with testosterone of men and they found that a 20-year-old in today’s day and age has the same hormone level as a 67-year-old male from the year 2000. The rate of decline is quite extreme. 

That being said, there was a study that came out and I believe it was around November or December of last year in the UK (United Kingdom) where it was a mathematical study. 

They’re collecting the data and doing a mathematical equation to track the rate of hormonal decline. They have found that in the United Kingdom; it’s speculative, but the data is data, it’s math. They have found that 100% of the males in the United Kingdom will be infertile by the year 2043. They will not be able to procreate without some type of medical intervention. 

The Science is quite clear. It’s along with technology. Anytime you try and do all kinds of fun stuff with technology, you’re going to incur some side effect or risk factor. Even Wi-Fi – Wi-Fi is great, but you’re absorbing a radio signal. If you talk about 5G, you’re absorbing some radiation that at this point is decided that it’s healthy, yet we always find out a hundred years later that it’s not.

Improving bad sleep can be like taking a phenomenal steroid—it’s the cheapest and best performance-enhancement drug you can use.

Those are things that are completely outside of your control. Every type of ingredient; is the modern ingredient that we add to our food products to maintain their stability longer. Even in drugs and in natural, “Holistic products.” You look at preservatives and different things that might keep the product longer and make it more widely available for use, incur some side effects, and many times hormonal disruption is part of it.

I don’t know what your shirt is made of, but I know what mine is made of. I know that there are some levels of polyester or plastic; it’s a nice name for the plastic inside of your shirt. There have been studies done where they put guys in 100% polyester underwear and rendered them completely infertile with a sperm count of zero within several months. It is what it is. 

The idea is to mitigate the outside interference as best you can. I also have found, and this is a personal opinion, that there’s only so much you can do. The added stress or heightened cortisol levels, which cause you to freak out about every little thing, are also terrible for your endocrine system, hormonal secretion, and release. There’s a happy medium of personally happy and living a life that is you know productive, not overly stressed, and out of control, but mitigating the damages as best you can.

What are you doing personally in terms of trying to prevent some of these disruptors that are there – whether it’s Biohacking techniques? What types of things are you employing?

We talked about clothes, I love getting into Bamboo clothing. If you haven’t worn Bamboo clothing, which is not plastic-related; forget the help it does for your endocrine system, but Bamboo is the most comfortable thing that you’re going to wear.

That’s an easy one. The most overlooked, but it sounds simple. The most overlooked part of hormone optimization is forgetting all the products. We sell products, I own a company that sells products, and there are all kinds of things out there that are awesome. 

Forget that is sleep number one; 70 to 90 percent of your hormone secretion especially for men is during two deep sleep cycles in your sleep. In Slow-wave sleep (SWS) and REM sleep; you should be spending about an hour at least in each one of those sleep cycles. Most people spend about 15 to 20 minutes, and that’s disastrous. 

They test for Biparticidal dysfunction; because we work, we do well in the sexual function space. They strap a meter to your leg to test your femoral artery during sleep. They test your sleep cycle. Sleep is most important. To improve your sleep, I also highly recommend tracking it. If you want to buy a wearable, a WHOOP, or order a ring; I have no business connection to any of those, but they’re great products. You will be able to see how serious sleep is, how low you’re getting, or how good your sleep is. 

Rarely, is someone always getting good sleep that is tracking it. It’s food. If you don’t track it, you don’t know. Sleep is a huge thing. If you get bad sleep and you change it for the better, that’s being on a phenomenal steroid. That’s the cheapest, best performance-enhancement drug you could do. 

That is what we always recommend. I love apps and devices – a WHOOP gives you quantifiable metrics because if it doesn’t get measured, it doesn’t get done. Anything being able to measure your sleep is a huge deal, if you’re even waking up more than once a night, you’re disrupting your natural hormone secretion. That’s a huge deal. Fix your sleep. 

You can fix almost anything. Workouts sound elementary, but it’s true as a guy who came from the sports world and worked out with pros and prided himself on two-and-a-half-hour workouts. I was never a pro athlete, I’ve never taken a snap of Football in my life. I was from the business side. Prided myself on trying to work out with pros, guys that are in their twenties, and stick with them for hours. That’s the best thing I did as I was aging and as my business became more of the focus instead of my attributes.

The fastest way to overtraining is failing to fuel your performance adequately.

I was auditing my workouts and what I have found is, especially with men, it’s not about two-hour long workouts. It’s about the workout that you can do every day. Shortening those workouts was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but also one of the best. Because now I enjoy working out again. They get done all the time. I take breaks from everybody else, but they get done every day in 45 minutes. Some workouts are 20 to 30 minutes a day. That’s it. But they get done consistently.

I focus on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and specific rest sets in between my working sets. Because High-Intensity Interval Training is proven repeatedly to spur growth hormone secretion. Growth hormone is called a ‘Pulsatile Hormone’. You can stimulate its secretion and its release into the bloodstream. High-Intensity Interval Training simply means extreme bouts of output.

Let’s say, 70 to 90 percent of your physical output should suck. It should be tough for X amount of time. For beginners, 20 seconds. Let’s say you’re balling out of control for 45 seconds, then an equal or less amount of time of rest in between those intervals for 30 minutes is great. That’s awesome. You can spur growth hormone itself. 

That is a phenomenal, cheap free, anti-aging drug right there. Because growth hormone is about $3,000 to $10,000 a month in the United States. Have your High-Intensity Interval Training, nutrition, and hydration are key. This is all elementary stuff, but if you don’t measure it, you’re deficient.

A normal human being should have half an ounce to three-quarter ounces per pound of body weight of actual water and hydration. If you’re an athlete, you and I live in Florida, if you’re working out here during the summer months, it should be well over an ounce because of how much you’re perspiring and sweating. 

If you’re a high-level athlete, it’s the same thing. Ounce per pound of body weight a day. It sounds like a ton of water. It is what it is. Don’t hate me, hate your physiology. That’s a big one. Then for nutrition, if it doesn’t get tracked, if it doesn’t get measured, it doesn’t exist. 

I do Macronutrients. But I do macronutrients with whole foods and make sure I’m properly fueled the last two and then I’ll shut up. The reason why they’re important is that if you are deficient hydration-wise and nutrition-wise, your body is not able to function properly. It will spur the hormone cortisol, which is the antithesis of growth hormone and testosterone. 

If Cortisol exists at elevated levels in your body continuously, it has its place during each day, but it’s for a short duration. It will blunt your body’s ability to secrete testosterone and growth hormone. You’re at a cortisol high level, which is going to destroy everything. It’s going to destroy your sexual function and your Libido. It’s going to add specifically body fat. Typically, we see that around the waist area or the belly section. We call that ‘stress fat’. It’s going to kill you faster scientifically. Those are cheap, free things. Don’t buy anybody else’s stuff, mine included, don’t buy it. Go do those things first and then go talk to somebody.

There are many good points there, Dustin. I’ve been using an Oura ring for a couple of years now and it’s interesting. But every day or every week, I’m trying to analyze trends. It gives you such invaluable insights as to how can optimize that sleep, and how important sleep is to your hormone system.

But yet, most of us do a lot of things to destroy that sleep. Everything from red light glasses at night so your Melatonin can move into the proper state. Daylight first thing in the morning, maintaining a consistent sleep-wake schedule, and limiting alcohol are amazing for your health. Even one glass of wine can significantly impact your sleep.

That is what everybody says when they start to track their sleep. They don’t realize how much even one drink destroys their sleep cycles. But yes, I’ve heard that many times and it’s the same thing. It is what it is. Alcohol and sleep narcotics don’t necessarily improve your deep sleep cycles. All they’re doing is rendering you unconscious, which is not actual sleep.

Interesting. How about the effect? Is there any difference between Anabolic and Catabolic workouts?

Catabolic workouts would mean they would be eating your muscle tissue. Anabolic versus aerobic training, both them; I do in high intensity. But I’m particular in all of my experience in training and I’ve owned fitness facilities. I’ve created methodologies that were successful for certain populations, which was my whole career. 

For most of my career, we’ve identified the individual who’s 44 years old, a high-income earner, or a business owner. The reason why is that these individuals spend their whole lives building their businesses, and their families – taking care of their kids, and then waking up 40 years old. They don’t look like they used to in the mirror. They don’t feel like they used to be in the mirror and they want that back. 

A normal human should consume half an ounce to three-quarter ounces of water per pound of body weight for proper hydration.

I get it. I’m no different than anybody else. When it comes to that type of population, weight training is paramount. The reason why some type of resistance is paramount is because the more amount of lean muscle mass you have; I’m not saying bodybuilders, there’s a threshold here. However, the higher amount of lean muscle mass that you have can correlate to the length of the lifespan of the individual for a multitude of different reasons. 

There’s less disease found in individuals who have a higher lean muscle mass than not. Take that for what you will. When it comes to weight training or aerobic training, this is a personal belief system and something that I use for consistency and output. I can explain it in performance terms. I’m particular in weight training because you can never replace your compound lifts – your squats, presses, and pulls.

But you can manipulate the rest intervals in between to change your cardiac cardio system and your heart rate. Manipulating that timeframe is much more important to me than the actual weight itself because you can make 95 pounds feel 500 pounds quickly when you eliminate the rest intervals in between each set.

If you haven’t focused on that, I would highly recommend it. Especially for endurance athletes, performance athletes who need explosiveness, and fast twitch muscle fibers who work in the Glycolytic phase. The Glycolytic phase is your high output for shorter periods. You get a lot more bang for your buck out of something that weight training or heavy weightlifting with massive amounts of rest time in between is compartmentalized in that competitive space that only does those things. 

I have never recommended it for individuals of any type of performance athlete because you still will increase strength gains doing it in a shorter rest interval. I’m going to stop right there because if not, I’ll continue to go on and on.

Exercise physiology is fascinating. We all have limited time, it’s all about optimization. I find myself at 54 now, changing the objective of why am I training, the purpose for my training, and what I’m living for. I like training. It was never about the events for me. I do work hard. I exercise, taking all of the benefits that it has. 

But it’s interesting because now you’re not working up, you’re not peeking at some type of event, whatever your sport is. It’s more that you’re trying to have this sustainability and life. That you can do all the things that you want to do. Then in later years, you want to be picking up your grandkids and going hiking with them. That changes.

What do you think in terms of the minimum and maximum effective dose of training? Because I find that interesting. Dave Asprey talks a lot about the CAROL Bike and you can get so many benefits in a 10-minute workout, doing high-interval training versus as an endurance athlete.

I’m used to going out. I did 120 miles on the bike this weekend.  We’re putting in hours and hours of work, but I would imagine there’s a minimum effective dose. Frankly, there’s a maximum effective dose that if you’re training too much, there are some detrimental effects, the cortisol is increasing. You’ve also got Oxidative stress going on.

That is an individualized answer. It’s subjective to the individual and what their specific goals are. If you’re looking at a human being, you have to take into account several things first, as to what are their specific goals. Are they talking about race? Are you trying to hit a specific time, or are you trying to hit a specific weight that you have in mind?

What gets measured, gets done.

When you’re talking about personalized training, then you have to take those goals and you have to audit the individual’s caloric input. So the fastest way to overtraining is to not be able to fuel your performance itself. A lot of people get this part massively wrong. They either think they can eat whatever they want. Because they’re working out hard or they have a mixed idea of what their goals are, because they want to look a certain way, but they want to perform a certain way. 

Then you reach the point of being in too much of a caloric deficit. It destroys all kinds of stuff and you’ll feel crap. When it comes to whether is there a maximum dose or a minimum dose, it depends on the goals of the individual. The older you get, the shorter your workout should become. I’m not saying to zero because we’re talking about the minimum dose.

I used the example earlier of, I would train with these guys. I used to train with a lot of CFL (Canadian Football League), and NFL guys in the off-season. These weight training programs were extremely long. I look back and I can’t even believe why was I doing at least 90 minutes to two-hour workouts.

You’re going through relatively quickly off-weight training and then they hit the field for speed training or there are times in between. As you age, there’s no way physiology or physical you should be able to keep up with that. As I got older, those times needed to go shorter because the fastest way to see if you’re overtraining isn’t necessarily soreness. It’s a complete lack of motive. It’s a mental thing, it’s a complete lack of motivation. You have to pull yourself out of bed to get up and start doing things or to get into the gym. Your Libido would immediately start to decrease, for men especially. 

Your libido goes fast when you start to go into overtraining. It’s freakish how fast we see this. We work heavily in the Combat sports space. If you’ve ever watched or been involved in combat sports and seen what fighters go through, about a couple of weeks out from a fight to drain, they have to drop 25 pounds and train two, three, or four times a day – sparring and training.

They destroy their hormone levels. To see blood work, and if you’re 28 years old, this is bad. So when you’re looking at a maximum dose, you have to take it and remember what doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get done. You have to set quantifiable metrics, how far is too far, how you feel, how is your body responding to put those metrics in place – libido, energy, motivation, drive, finding out how far you can push it to that. 

Then that’s going to be your maximum level as opposed to your minimum level, which you don’t find in any type of competitive athlete. A minimum level to keep their focus because they’re competitive; it’s not an issue. A minimum level would be determined by the goals of the individual. Are they old, they want to be able to move and they don’t want to be stiff? Then if yes, they got to do at least something three times a week with some intensity workout.

Effective health and wellness workouts are those that deliver results while being easy enough to do every day.

Walking around the block does not count. You need some intensity to constantly push your body into a workout zone. It has to be pushed. There should be some resistance, some friction; I’m not talking about resistance training. Some effort must be put in with some mental friction that you’re going to hit. That means you’re doing some exertion in a workout. 

Otherwise, walking around the block is not a workout. That’s normal life. I don’t have any problem saying that you should be able to walk around the block. But when it comes to minimum workouts, at least three times a week, twenty minutes of High-Intensity Interval Training can be extremely effective if the program is done properly.

Good. What does your morning routine look like, Dustin?

I’m a lucky guy. My morning routine used to be stupid and insane. Sometimes I wake up at 3:30 am or 4:30 am. That doesn’t exist for me anymore. I’ve done well for myself. I don’t have to do that. We talked about Bezos. Jeff Bezos doesn’t even do anything until 10:30 a.m. That guy hangs out all morning as he should. He built a lovely business for himself.

I wake up around six, I have a German Shepherd who lets me know even when I want to sleep in, that he’s ready to rock and roll around 6:30 am to take him out and hang out. I am a strong, devout man of faith. I spend with him. I make my coffee, I sit down in my office and I do about an hour and a half of prayer. I study. I read in the morning. 

Then at around 8:30 am, I’ll crack open my phone and my emails. I will look at sales trends. I will look at what we’re doing. I’ll clear those out in about 15 minutes, and make sure everybody’s got what they need. Then l have a one-and-a-half-year-old, so she wakes up and she’ll find her way to my office. I’ll hang out with her for a few minutes, and say, “Hello” to my Wife. 

Then I will go work out for myself. Depending upon what my workout is – weights or cardio. I train, I’m a hobbyist; it’s nothing special. But I train MMA as well with a coach and a trainer. So I’ll get those things knocked out, then I’ll hit the office, and do stuff by 10:00 am to 10:30 am. Then on Sundays, I go to mass, watch a race on television, and hang out with the family. That’s much about it.

Awesome. If you could give one piece of advice to the audience about how they could move the needle on their health, what would it be?

Everyone should start right, but you need to come up with an actual schedule that you’re willing to commit to. Have you ever heard of Stryker Medical? I figured I wanted to make sure Stryker Medical is a billion-dollar Medical device company that was started by Bob Stryker.

Bob Stryker is phenomenal. He coined his speech; I teach this to my sales guys to this day every single time. It’s called the 20-Mile March. What he would teach people is if you were going to take two guys. If you and I were going to walk from – you’re in Sarasota, we’ll start there. We’re going to walk from Sarasota to Seattle. You and me, we’re going to walk. 

The first day, you walk a hundred miles, but I only walk twenty miles. The next day, you’re going to be fatigued but you’ll still get in about eighty miles. Now you’re at 180 miles, I’m going to put in twenty miles and I’m going to stop now at 40. The next day, you’re going to be able to do fifty miles and what I’m getting at is that you’re going to blow yourself out early. You’re never even going to make it out of Georgia if you’re lucky.

But if I walk twenty miles a day and I commit every single day, no less, no more than twenty miles, I’ll blow you out of the water by the time that I get to Seattle and I’ll be fine. You’re going to be prone to injury. You’re going to fall off and quit from absolute fatigue, lack of motivation, and lack of drive. I can do twenty miles all day long and I still have time to read books, drink coffee, and hang out with my kid. 

If you commit to twenty miles a day – you set up your workouts, it’s not too much. It’s not too little. It gets the job done. You commit to it. It’s something that you aren’t dreading every day. You’re not going to be destroyed every day. You’ll get it done.

The workouts are the health and wellness protocols that are effective enough to get results, but easy enough to do every single day. You do not dread it. These are the ones that are going to blow every other program out of the water. It’s because of the consistency and not only the consistency, but the effectiveness and what you pull into it. You can read; I’m looking at a bookshelf. There are all kinds of books on this wall. You can read all those books, but if you’re just speeding through them, you won’t retain any of the information.

There are books on my shelf I’m looking at that I remember when I was young. I don’t even remember what they’re about, but the books that I would sit through; I would do 10 pages a day, write down notes, and take physical notes with those. I can tell you everything about that front page to back, and I will, forever. 

To get started, be specific about what your goal is, and then put in a plan of action that you can legitimately commit to. Everyone starts this health and wellness journey and they want to go way over the top. That’s awesome, I know what you’re trying to do and it’s great. It’s commendable. But if you can’t keep up with it, it’s worthless because, in three months, you’re right back where you started, if not worse off. I know that was long-winded, but that’s my piece of advice.

I love that. I love that much about sustainability. That was why I wanted to ask the question around minimum and maximum effective dose because you see both ends to it. Consistency is key. And it’s the same with investing. If you can invest systematically versus everyone’s waiting for that one silver bullet or winning the lottery, that is not going to happen. But when you have a slow and systematic thing, you can be much more balanced, you can be holistic with all these things and live a better life.

You can read all those books, but if you’re just speeding through them, you won’t retain any of the information.

You talk about the silver bullet, I call it Superman. I’ve said this with sales guys a lot and with guys that come in and everybody wants. I’m telling you from experience because I’ve had large failures with business ventures and things that I’ve created. I’m lucky to say that the latest has been the opposite of that. But what I learned is that swinging for the fences can be great, and you might hit a home run. However, in Baseball, the guys that hit home runs rarely, but hit home runs – don’t have any careers. It’s the guys that constantly always get base hits. 

In business, it’s great to land a massive deal. We sell medical products, we sell them to national franchises, and they’re our biggest customer. For sales guys, they want to go after these national franchises, which are great. But if you sell this many each month and have this many clients, you’ll make twice as much money. They’re easier, faster sales, they stay longer, and they’re compounding. 

It’s the same thing as compounding interest. The base hits, whether it’s your health and wellness programs or your business – are compounding. It’s a compounding interest in those. Whether it’s business, health, or wellness, your results are going to be much faster and it doesn’t seem it when you think about it from the start point, but your results come ten times faster than not. 

The base hits the brick-by-brick mentality, the best way to do all this stuff. They are waiting for Superman, the silver bullet – they don’t exist. They’re not real. You will go broke or get fat way before they ever come into play.

Great pearls of wisdom, Dustin. I appreciate all the insights today. If people would want to learn more about you, learn more about BioPro+, what’s the best place?

Website and social media, that’s where we live. The website is www.bioproteintech.com. The social media is great. It’s all user-generated type. You can see the type of work that we do, the people that use our products day to day, in and out, how they feel about them. Instagram is the best place for that and that’s the same moniker.

When you take a slow and systematic approach, you can achieve greater balance and live a more holistic, fulfilling life.

Come join us, our team. Interact, and ask questions. If you’re looking for more information, there’s tons of stuff on the Frequently Asked Questions on the website. If you need more information than that or you want to be connected with a physician, DM us on Instagram, and somebody there will give you a referral as best we can.

Awesome. We’ll make sure we get the links in the show notes for that. Thank you for your insights today, Dustin. It all starts with education. The more we can arm ourselves with the correct information, the more we can start to take action and put that system in place to be able to make progress. I applaud your mission and what you’re doing that are trying to help people.

That’s in parallel with what we’re trying to do and it all starts again with that education because if you don’t know that your hormones are imbalanced, you don’t know why your health is off, it’s eventually going to have some issue that’s going to surface. Being proactive with it is key. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, Dave. I appreciate it and I appreciate you having me on to run my mouth at you for about fifty minutes. Hopefully, somebody somewhere got something out of this.

I appreciate it, Dustin. We’ll talk soon. Thanks again.

All right. Thanks, Dave.

Important Links

Connect with Dustin Baker

Connect with Pantheon Investments


Further Resources

Your 10-Step Actionable Checklist From This Episode

✅ Reflect on your current habits and identify any that may be detrimental to your health. Begin replacing them with positive, health-focused habits such as regular exercise and balanced nutrition.

✅ Establish a clear purpose for your health journey. Create a plan that includes scheduled workouts, nutrition goals, and lifestyle changes that align with your purpose.

Investigate natural wellness products and alternatives to synthetic therapies. Consider options like BioPro+, which focuses on boosting vitality through naturally occurring proteins and amino acids.

✅ Focus on improving your sleep quality. regularly track your progress in key areas such as sleep, fitness, and overall well-being. Use the data to make necessary adjustments to your routines and continue optimizing your health journey.

✅ Shorten your workouts but increase their intensity. Implement HIIT sessions that are sustainable and can be done daily to maintain consistency and effectiveness.

✅ Take steps to reduce exposure to endocrine disruptors by choosing natural materials, such as Bamboo clothing, and avoiding synthetic chemicals in food and personal care products.

✅ Tailor your workouts to your specific goals, whether it’s improving performance, building strength, or enhancing longevity. Adjust the duration and intensity based on your age and fitness level.

✅ Measure your progress with specific, quantifiable goals such as energy levels, strength gains, and overall well-being to ensure your training remains effective.

✅ Establish a realistic workout routine that you can stick to consistently. A “20-Mile March” approach—steady, daily effort—is more sustainable and effective than intense, sporadic workouts.

✅ Create a morning routine that includes time for personal growth, such as prayer, meditation, or reading. This sets a positive tone for the day and aligns your actions with your goals.

About Dustin Baker

Dustin Baker is the President of BioProtein Technology and the creator of BioPro+, which is a non-synthetic alternative to prescription Human Growth Hormone (HGH). He has extensive experience in the field and has been involved in discussing the benefits of BioPro+ and its applications.